General Poetry posted March 9, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
I don't regret it one scintilla

My Candidate

by SimianSavant

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

Last week when I shat on the john
I thought about voting for Ron
he acted robotic
and homoerotic
with testicles tied to Tehran

When pigs at the party got sticky
I thought about voting for Nikki
she just didn't seem calm
and she wanted to bomb --
I escaped with a hot honey hickey

At snacktime I called for my mommy
and briefly recalled Ramiswamy
his body looked smooth
though his lines were as sooth-
ing as spoonfuls of spoilt Umami

At the drive-thru for Ronald McDonald
I thought about voting for Donald
the perfect white night,
at first he felt right
'til he gobbled until he was cobbled

Last night when I snorted some blow
I thought about voting for Joe
I tried to count sheep
with little Bo Peep
and we saw ol Joe's morning wood grow

In search of historical remedy
I thought about voting for Kennedy
his abs looked real hot
but his voice was so shot
that I wonder about his identity

I made up my mind in Manila
My vote this year won't be vanilla
He's burly and black
And I cannot go back
to a party without a gorilla!


Party Pooper contest entry

Images are obviously all real as these candidates are my personal buddies. I own all rights except for the Kennedy one.

The correct pronunciation of Tehran rhymes with the words I used, and not with "man" or "pan".
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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