General Fiction posted February 23, 2024 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
The pieces come together....

A chapter in the book Life's Twisted Road

Life's Twisted Road - Chap 23

by Begin Again


"Judy?" Gabby ventured a step or two into the room. "I hope it's okay that I came to visit you. I'm Gabby, Bobby's daughter."

Gabby couldn't read the eyes peering at her through swollen slits. "I was wondering if we could talk â?" about the accident. That is if you feel up to it. If not, I can come back another time."

Gabby hesitated, not knowing whether to stay or leave. Finally, she moved to the side of the bed, with tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry my father did this to you."

After what seemed like an eternity, Judy's lips moved, "Bobby's dead." She stopped and then spoke again, "The boy in the truck —" Her chest rose with a huge sigh, and her voice trailed off. Gabby reached out and touched the woman's hand, praying she'd prove Dion's innocence. Suddenly, she stepped back. What if she blames Dion?



"Come on, Nat. We can't be late for school again." Becky ran a brush through her short brown hair and returned it to the shelf. "Good for us that a few of Juan's female friends left some clothing behind."

Natasha laughed as she modeled in front of the full-length mirror. "Not bad taste either."

"What about Juan? He still looks awful."

"We got him home, didn't we? We'll come back after school. Hopefully, he'll be up and around by then."

Giggling as teenage girls do, they left the pool house and exited the grounds into the alley. Natasha scowled, "Why are those dogs going crazy?"

"Dogs bark. What's so strange about that?" Becky shoved her friend, sending her stumbling toward the fence. "You still got the shakes from last night?"

Natasha grabbed Becky's arm, yanking her alongside a garage. Her eyes were wide as she hissed, "There's a black SUV pulling into the alley."

"Nat, that's not funny. Come on, we're going to be late for school." Becky took a step toward the alley and abruptly stopped. "Oh, my God."

Nat sneered at her friend, hissing, "Believe me now? We've got to get out of here."

A pile of brush and garbage cans blocked their exit. Neighborhood cats had been feasting last night. Trash, chicken bones, and cans were scattered everywhere.

Becky cringed. "Eww! Nat! That's disgusting."

Nat grabbed the handles of one of the garbage containers and moved it to the side. She quickly pulled the other one, which was lighter, and tossed it on the brush. "It's either this way or wait for the SUV."

"We don't even know if it's them," Becky whined. "Or what they want."

"You can stay and ask them. After what they did to Juan, I'm not sticking around." She tiptoed over the trash and moved to the front of the garage. "You coming?"

Becky nodded and joined Nat. Leaving the safety of the garage, the two girls ran through the garden, across the grass, and directly into Becky's neighbor, Mr. Clayborn, and his dog.

Becky recovered first and began apologizing for almost knocking the older man off his feet. "Sorry, Mr. Clayborn, we're late for school, so we were in a hurry. We cut through your yard."

The old man nodded before asking, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that your house across the street?"

"Yeah, my mom wanted me to drop something off to her friend who lives on the next street, so we were cutting through the yards to save time."

Natasha's eyes focused on the alley, watching for the approaching SUV.  She tugged Becky's arm. "Come on. We've got to go."

Satisfied with her answer, Mr. Clayborn patted his dog's head. "Lincoln and I were headed to the dog park. It's close to the high school. I'd be happy to give you a lift."

"Oh, that would be awesome. Thanks." Both girls climbed into the van, thankful for the tinted windows. "You have no idea how much we appreciate this."

"Yeah, you're a lifesaver." Natasha chuckled and glanced up the driveway as the Clayborn van backed into the street.

Becky glared at Natasha. "She means you'll save us from getting into trouble with school."


Gabby's eyes widened in fear. She stared at the machines surrounding Judy's bed and then at the woman, lying motionless with her eyes closed. The teenager choked back tears, tentatively reaching out her hand to touch Judy's arm. In her mind, she feared the worst.

"Are you okay?" Gabby's voice quivered. "Do I need to get the nurse?" When she didn't get a response, she stepped backward, gasping, "Oh, my God, are — you —"

Behind her, a male voice completed Gabby's question. "Dead?"

Gabby's hand flew to her face as she spun around to face Jackson. Anger replaced her fear. "Do you always sneak up on people that way?" she snapped. "You almost gave me a heart attack." Immediately regretting her outburst, she sheepishly asked, "Why did she stop talking? Is she okay?"

Jackson moved closer to the bed, checking the monitors. "She's doing fine." He leaned closer to Judy and spoke, "Good morning, Judy. Time to wake up. You've got visitors."

Gabby released a big sigh of relief. "She knows my father is dead."

"Yeah, I know. I was hoping she could give me a few more details about Dion."

"You don't think —" Indignant, the young girl stared at the sheriff. "You can't think that he's responsible."

"From what I have learned about the boy, he doesn't seem like the kind to do drugs, but they were in his truck." Jackson shrugged.

"Drugs? In Dion's truck?" Gabby grabbed Jackson's arm. "He wouldn't — he just wouldn't."

"Yeah, so he says, but the evidence says otherwise."

"What about lab tests? I'm sure the hospital took plenty of blood tests. Did they tell you Dion had drugs in his system?"

Jackson could see the worry in Gabby's eyes. She'd suffered enough, but he couldn't show all his cards just yet. Taking a different tactic, he changed the conversation. "Your aunt said you were pregnant."

Gabby rubbed her hand protectively across her stomach. "Audrey shouldn't have told you anything. It's not anyone's concern but mine."

"And the father, right? Is that why you are so concerned about Dion? Is he the father?"

Tears welled in her eyes. Unable to speak, she shook her head.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Gabby. I'm just doing my job."

"Then quit blaming Dion for everything. I know my father. He could be the meanest man in this town, especially when he was drinking. He thought he knew everything, but he was wrong. Dion is a good friend, but he's not the father."

"Mind telling me who is?" Jackson tried to dig a little deeper, but he could see Gabby was building a wall between him and questions about the baby.

"Why? I'm pregnant. No one else is responsible for the baby growing inside of me."

"The day your father attacked Dion, weren't you coming from the clinic?"

"Yes, for information, but I've changed my mind."

Jackson nodded. "If that's your decision, you'll need help. I'm sure Audrey will do her best to help, but the father has responsibilities."

"No disrespect, Jackson, but my life isn't police business. I love my aunt, but —  sometimes she's too much like my dad. I've got good people who want to help me until I figure this out. As for Dion, I know him far better than you. He didn't do any of the things you are accusing him of doing."

"Sheriff, back again?" Judy's eyes were open as she turned her gaze from Jackson to Gabby. "Sorry, honey, guess I dozed off on you. Doc says that'll happen now and then."

Gabby moved to the bed and took Judy's hand in her own. "I was afraid — well, never mind, I'm glad you're awake now. I wanted you to know how sorry I am."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, child. I knew the kind of man, Bobby was. We shared some good times, but sometimes when he got angry, there was no controlling him."

Jackson saw an opening and he took it. "Do you think you can tell me about that afternoon, Judy? It sure would help clear up some things."

"Sure, I'm ready to talk, Sheriff."

"Gabby, I'm going to have to ask you to leave while I talk to Judy. It's a police investigation."

Gabby's face crinkled into a painful scowl. "But, he's, my father. I have the right to know."

Judy's hand reached for Gabby. "She stays." She squeezed the teenager's hand. "She's suffered enough. She deserves to know if you want me to tell you what happened."

Jackson shifted his eyes from one woman to the other and shrugged. "I know when I'm outnumbered. She stays." He pulled two folding chairs closer to the bed, one for Gabby and one for him. After sitting, he nodded to Judy. "The floor's all yours."

"Well, you know I bailed Bobby out. Now I wonder if things might have been different if I'd left him there."

"Don't blame yourself, Judy. I know my dad. He'd have just sat there and festered. He is — was — like a dog with a bone. He would gnaw it, till he broke it in half." Gabby made a half-smile. "I'm sorry for interrupting. Go on."

"Like I said, I bailed him out and then took him home to clean up. Of course, Bobby got frisky, and one thing led to another, and we spent a few hours in bed. Later, we drove to a house and Bobby pounded on the door. He was yelling at an old lady, threatening to call the police.

"That would be Isabella's house." Gabby studied her hands on her lap. "She's been very kind to me."
Judy remained quiet so Jackson nudged her, "Can you go on? What happened next?"

"Bobby drove away until he spotted this guy getting into a car. He stopped the truck, and I rolled down the window. Bobby asked the guy if he wanted to do some business."

Jackson leaned forward in his chair. "Did you know the guy?"

"I'd never seen him before, but I think Bobby called him Jack — Jake — no, I'm pretty sure it was Juan. Anyway, Bobby drove down to the docks, behind the old warehouse. He got out of the truck and they talked. He gave him a wad of cash and the guy gave him some white packets. I assumed they were drugs, but I'd never seen Bobby do drugs. Beer was his vice."

"Did Bobby say anything about the drugs when he got back in the truck?"

"No, not really, but he was smiling, happier. Said he had a plan."

Jackson knew he was on to something. "Did he tell you what the plan was?"

"No, he just drove to Bottoms Up. Sent me in to get lunch and then we drove out Highway 101 and had a picnic. You know, we drank some beers —"

Jackson interrupted Judy, "Do you know what Bobby did while you went into the bar to get lunch?"

"He was sitting in the truck, waiting for me, I guess." Judy was quiet for a minute. "Wait a second, I didn't think much about it at the time, but Bobby was climbing back into the truck when I came out of the bar."

Jackson scribbled in a notebook and then encouraged Judy to continue.

"It was a pretty day. Warm and sunny. It was fun until Bobby saw the kid's truck go past." Judy paused, remembering, and then went on, "He went crazy. He raced onto the highway, following the kid's truck. He was driving like a madman. I was terrified, screaming for him to stop. His face was red, and he yelled that the kid was going to pay, and nobody was going to stop him. He kept slamming against the boy's truck. I knew we were going to die, especially when I saw the semi." Judy squeezed her eyes shut, shivering, and then she lay quiet.

Jackson said, "I know this is tough, Judy. But I needed your side of the story."

"What about the boy? Is he —"

"Dion's in critical condition, but he's alive."

"Thank heavens, for that." She smiled at Gabby. "Don't cry. I'm sorry for you, honey. Your daddy thought he was trying to protect you." She heaved a heavy sigh. "Now, I need to rest."

Gabby and Jackson stood, each mulling over Judy's story, as they thanked her and left. In the hallway, Jackson asked, "Gabby, you ever heard about this Juan guy?"

"I don't know him." She paused and looked away, biting her lip.

"What is it, Gabby?" Jackson waited, hoping she had a lead.

"I've never met this Juan guy, but I might know someone who has."  Gabby stared at the floor, knowing she faced the dilemma of betraying her friends to help Dion.


ISABELLA - Natasha's grandmother
DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend
JASON - Dion's best friend and teammate
COACH - the high school football coach and team counselor
GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky
BOBBY - Gabby's father
AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt
JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day
PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman
AMANDA - Paddy's wife
LUCILLE LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers
CHARLIE - Department Manager for the Sheriff
JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey
JUAN - Local pool boy and behind the scenes drug supplier
AUSTIN - semi driver and owner of Roscoe
ROSCOE - Austin's co-pilot, a German Shepherd
AL - a firefighter at the scene
TAYLOR - a town resident and mail carrier
ALEJANDRO - a local farmer
LAYLA - a registered nurse and Jackson's sister
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