General Fiction posted February 20, 2024 Chapters:  ...20 21 -22- 23... 

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Some times we get in too deep.

A chapter in the book Life's Twisted Road

Life's Twisted Road - Chap 22

by Begin Again


"Heard you might be working this territory." Big Frank's bulky body towered over Juan.

"Nah, I just stopped for a cool twelve-pack. There's no way I'd be selling around here. I know the rules."

"Good to know, Juan." The bodyguard opened the SUV door for Frank and waited for his boss to climb in. "Hope you aren't mixing business with pleasure." Frank nodded toward Juan's car. "That young stuff will hang you in a second. Hate to see them get hurt, if you get my drift."

Juan could feel the sweat running down his back. "Told you I wasn't working, Frank. That's why I needed the twelve-pack. It don't take much to prime 'em."

"Yeah, get in. Let's take a little ride." Frank glared at Juan. "We need to talk."

Juan walked around the car and climbed into the back seat. His heart was pounding. The SUV backed out and moved slowly along the road in the same direction the girls had gone.

Terrified, the two girls hid under a clump of bushes, clinging to each other. "Oh my God, what's going to happen to Juan?"

"Hush! Before they find us." Silently, they watched the SUV creep past them.


Something wet touched Becky's cheek and she trembled, holding back a scream. The branches rustled as her hands madly touched her face. "It's creepy under these bushes, Nat. We've got to get out of here."

"Girlfriend, feel free to make suggestions." Nat peered into the darkness and down the dimly lit street. "I don't even know where we are; do you?"

"No, Juan was driving. I didn't expect to be dumped in the middle of nowhere." Becky's tank top offered little warmth against the chilly night air. "Let's call someone." She paused and added, "Call your mom, she'll still be up watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy."

"Sure, that's a good one." Natasha's eyebrows raised quizzically as she pondered her response. "Hi Mom, sorry to interrupt your TV time, but Becky and I skipped the slumber party and now we are stranded in the middle of nowhere. I just wondered if you could pick us up." Natasha shook her head at Becky in disbelief. "How would your folks react?"

"Yeah, I guess that's not such a good idea, but have you got a better one?"

"Maybe Juan will come back soon." Natasha sighed and poked her head around the bushes and peered down the street again. "That is if he comes back."

"What?" Becky hissed, "His car's here. Why wouldn't he come back?"

"Get real, Becky. You saw those guys. I don't think they took Juan for a joyride."

"But —" Suddenly, Becky's fears got the upper hand as she stammered, "Juan — said — they were — friends."

"The guy with the gun looked like he could shoot Juan and never blink an eye. And for the other guy, I don't think he'd get his hands dirty, but has no problem of ordering it done."

Becky shivered and moved closer to her friend, entwining her arm with Natasha's. "Now, you are scaring me."

"Shhh — I hear something. I think someone is coming."

Through the branches, both girls could see a man in jeans walking toward them. They pushed back, deeper into the shrubs. Natasha raised her finger to her lips, whispering, "He's walking his dog."

Moments later, the one-hundred-pound dog stopped, sniffed, and then delivered a steady stream of pee into the bush. Becky made a face and pinched her nose. A flurry of dirt filtered into the shrubbery as the pup's paws marked his spot.

"Come on, Prince. Let's get back home." Unaware of the girls, the man and his dog continued their walk. Once the coast was clear, tiny blurps of giggle-fits escaped both girls, breaking the tension.

"I see car lights approaching. I can't tell yet if it's the SUV."

"Oh God, if it is them, do you think Juan's okay?"

"I guess we're about to find out." The SUV pulled into the Qwik Trip parking lot, close to Juan's car. Natasha hushed her friend again. "Quiet, we don't need them finding us."

Both girls were stunned into silence as the bodyguard opened the rear of the vehicle and rolled something out, letting it drop to the ground. A long, deep cry of pain filled the night air.

"Oh my God, it's Juan," Becky whimpered.

Natasha's hand covered Becky's mouth. She snarled, "Shut up or it'll be us too."

Terrified, Becky's head bobbed up and down as her fingernails dug into Natasha's arm. Her eyes widened as she watched Juan being kicked and rolled into the grass.

"You got lucky tonight cuz Frank's in a good mood. He says to stay out of his turf." Juan responded with a low, guttural moan. The bodyguard kicked him again. "And tell your little gangsta girls, we know where they live." He laughed, a high-pitched, eerie-sounding laugh, and returned to the SUV.

Only after the SUV pulled away did Becky let go of Natasha's arm. Natasha, being the bravest, scrambled from their hiding place and ran toward Juan. Becky followed behind but stopped a few feet away.

"Yuk, he's covered in blood and dirt. Should we call an ambulance?"

A deep moan came from Juan as his mangled arm reached for Natasha. "No!"

Having watched her share of Chicago P.D., Law and Order, and Criminal Minds, Natasha knew the drill. "No cops! Juan's got a record and finding him would land him in jail, for sure. We've got to get him out of here and fast before someone sees us."
The girls pulled, tugged, and rolled him toward the car, finally shoving him into the backseat. Wasted apologies tumbled out of both girls, while Juan moaned in excruciating pain.

Becky jumped into the driver's seat, found the keys in the visor, and started the car. "Don't argue. I'm driving. I at least have a permit."

Natasha shut the rear door and climbed in front. "Fine, but don't draw attention to us." She scanned the area. "I don't see anyone so let's go."

"Juan lives in the Anderson's pool house, across the street from my house. It's got a back entrance off an alley so nobody should see us. We'll get him inside and then you and I can sleep on the couches."

Natasha laughed. "A sleep-over, after all."


Paddy eased his car into a parking stall outside the hospital and turned the engine off. "Ya sure ya want to do dis alahne, lass? I'd be 'appy to go in wit ya."

Gabby smiled at the old man. "I know you would, but I want you and Amanda to have some private time too. Both of you have been so good to me, waiting on me all the time. I'd feel better if you spent the afternoon together," She gazed across the parking lot at the flower beds. "The daffodils are blooming. It's so beautiful out. Maybe you and Amanda could take a walk. Neither of you have been out of the house since my untimely arrival."

"Nahnsense, lass, we love 'avin ya wit us. Wit yooehr father gone, Gahd rest 'is sooehl, you'll be alahne. We thouhght ya might want to stay ahn lahnger."

Gabby's hand instinctively touched her stomach. She hadn't loss the baby, but the doctor had told her it could still be touch and go. "You, both, have been so kind. I don't want to be a burden."

"Never! Amanda and I 'ave talked abooeht it. We'd be 'ahnored to 'elp you and the wee one. No pressure, o' cooehrse. If you want to remain in yooehr home, we'd understand. Or maybe at Isabella's?:

"Isabella has her hands full with Natasha and Becky hanging out there all the time. There's my Aunt Audrey, but she's got her own life too. I just don't know what to do, Paddy. I will think about it though. You know how I feel about both of you. You've been a blessing to me."

"Ya better get inside now befahre visitin' 'ooehrs are over. We'll talk mahre later."

"Thank you for bringing me, Paddy. I'll call you when I'm ready to be picked up." She smiled and climbed out of the car, waving as she headed toward the hospital doors.


After checking at the nurse's station, Gabby made her way down the hall to Room 520. She didn't know exactly what to say but in her heart, she owed Judy an apology. She'd almost lost her life because of her father's recklessness.

Standing outside Judy's room, Gabby's nerves went wild. She couldn't imagine how Judy must have felt those last few minutes when her father had raced down the highway. It had to be terrifying. Maybe Judy wouldn't want to talk to her. Worse yet, maybe she blamed her.

She tapped on the door and then pushed it open. Her heart instantly went out to the woman lying there in bed. She wore a turban of gauze on her head and a matching one on her arm. Small tufts of blonde hair poked from beneath the turban. Her face was swollen, and small jagged lacerations marked her cheek.

"Judy?" Gabby ventured a step or two into the room. "I hope it's okay that I came to visit you. I'm Gabby, Bobby's daughter."

Gabby couldn't read the eyes peering at her through swollen slits. "I was wondering if we could talk — about the accident? That is if you feel up to it. If not, I can come back another time."

Gabby hesitated, not knowing whether to stay or leave. Finally, she moved to the side of the bed, with tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry my father did this to you."

After what seemed like an eternity, Judy's lips moved, "Bobby's dead." She stopped and then spoke again, "The boy in the truck —" Her chest rose with a huge sigh, and her voice trailed off. Gabby reached out and touched the woman's hand, praying she'd prove Dion's innocence. Suddenly, she stepped back. What if she blames Dion?


ISABELLA - Natasha's grandmother
DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend
JASON - Dion's best friend and teammate
COACH - the high school football coach and team counselor
GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky
BOBBY - Gabby's father
AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt
JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day
PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman
AMANDA - Paddy's wife
LUCILLE LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers
CHARLIE - Department Manager for the Sheriff
JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey
JUAN - Local pool boy and behind the scenes drug supplier
AUSTIN - semi driver and owner of Roscoe
ROSCOE - Austin's co-pilot, a German Shepherd
AL - a firefighter at the scene
TAYLOR - a town resident and mail carrier
ALEJANDRO - a local farmer
LAYLA - a registered nurse and Jackson's sister
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