General Fiction posted February 14, 2024 Chapters:  ...15 16 -17- 18... 

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The Town's Grapevine

A chapter in the book Life's Twisted Road

Life's Twisted Road - Chap 17

by Begin Again

Another paramedic stood outside the ambulance's rear door. "Sorry, Sheriff, but we need to get him to the hospital. He needs to be checked out, though he appears to be doing pretty good."

"Of course, I'll get out of your way." He turned back to Austin. "You take care. I'll need to get your statement later, but gotta make sure you're good." As he jumped out of the vehicle, he turned and asked, "What about Roscoe? Want me to take him until you're cleared?"

Austin ruffled Roscoe's fur. A hint of sadness filled his eyes. "Okay, pal. I've gotta take a little trip. You stay with the sheriff. He'll take good care of you."

Roscoe patted his bandaged paw against Austin's leg, then nuzzled his owner as if he were saying goodbye. "I know, boy. Now go." Austin pointed at the door.

The German Shepherd jumped to the ground and sat at attention, next to Jackson as the ambulance pulled away. "Come on, Roscoe. I'm going to need your support."

Once inside his cruiser, Jackson headed toward town. He needed to deliver the news about Bobby to Audrey before anyone else did. It wasn't the evening he had planned. He'd told other families about the loss of loved ones, but this time was different. He was about to break his girlfriend's heart.



"Jeepers!" Taylor lifted off his cap, running his fingers across his sparse gray hair. He'd hit the curb when he'd parked. He kicked the tire, satisfying himself that there was no damage done. The mail truck belonged to the U.S. Postal Service, but he'd been driving it or one just like it for thirty-seven years come next month.

"Running late?" Charlie leaned against the Sheriff's Department's door frame. "You whacked the curb a good one."

"Don't need you jawin' 'bout my drivin', Charlie. Had a detour out on Highway 101. Set me back at least a half hour." He reached inside the cab and pulled out his mailbag. "You wouldn't know anythin' about that, now, would you?"

"Now, that'd be police business, Taylor." Charlie smirked and headed inside. "Got a package on Jackson's desk for you."

Taylor growled, "You knew I was runnin' late; couldn't you have brought it out to me?"

The young office manager found joy in ruffling the older man's feathers. When Charlie was a young boy, he'd tagged along as Taylor made his deliveries, begging to put the mail in the box, but always being told, "The mail is official business, boy. They don't just let anyone deliver it; you know. It's my sworn duty to get these letters where they belong. So, no you can't put it in the box."

"Quit your grumbling, old man. You had to put the mail in Jackson's mailbox, didn't you?" Charlie laughed and did a silly dance step as he moved toward his desk. "All official business goes in there." He pointed toward the box and claimed his padded office chair, spinning it around as the radio squawked.

The transmission was garbled because of the static. Charlie spoke into the transmitter. "Dispatch Charlie requesting a repeat, please."

It crackled again. "Emergency vehicles ... -way 101 ... Holland Ave- ... to the hospital ... high priority ... critical."

"Roger. Emergency lights activated on Holland Avenue." Charlie punched in a code giving them green lights all the way. Next, he activated the overhead white lights signalling drivers of oncoming emergency vehicles.

Taylor moved closer to Charlie's desk and the radio. "Sounded like he said vehicles. Something powerful big happenin' out there on 101."

"Yeah, I guess so." Charlie spun around to face Taylor. "Aren't you supposed to be delivering mail, Taylor? I'm kinda busy right now."

The radio crackled again. "Twenty on ... coroner."

"Coroner! Some poor soul must have met his maker."

"Time to go, Taylor. This is police business, and you shouldn't be in here listening." Charlie stood and took Taylor's arm, moving him toward the exit. "Sorry, old man."

"After delivering mail for thirty-seven years, everyone in these parts is family to me. Can't blame a man for worrying."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, but you still have to go."


"Good morning, Taylor." Mindy, owner, and operator of the hardware store, greeted the mail carrier as he left the Sheriff's Department. "Looks like there's a big fire out on Highway 101." She pointed at the black smoke in the distance. "Hope the wind doesn't blow it into town."

Taylor checked up and down the street as if he was on a covert operation, especially checking the door he'd just exited. "Heard it was a big accident with casualties. Robert's been summoned."

"Robert Griswell, the coroner?" Mindy gripped Taylor's arm, frowning. "That doesn't sound good. I wonder —"

"No sense wondering. News travels faster than a rat up a drainpipe around this town. We will know the sad news soon enough." Taylor handed Mindy the mail. "Already, running behind. Best be movin' along."

Still gazing at the black clouds on the horizon, Mindy nodded, "Yeah, me too. Still hope it's not someone we knew."

"Always is, Mindy. In a small town like this, it's always someone we know." Shaking his head from side to side, Taylor headed down the street to his next stop, Papa's Barbershop."


A group of men were congregated outside the barbershop as Taylor approached. "Hey, Taylor, heard there's a bad accident out on Highway 101. Didn't you come in that way?"

"Normally, I do, but I got detoured around today. That's why I'm running behind."

Alejandro, a local farmer, stood a few steps away, talking to his son on his cell phone. It was clear the conversation was disturbing. When the call ended, he shoved his phone in the pocket of his bib overalls and rejoined the group. "Eduardo just called me. His station got the first call for the accident on 101, but his engine didn't go out. My son says there's been a lot of chatter."

"Did he tell you what happened?" The question arose from several of the men in the group at once.

Alejandro nodded. "A semi and two trucks. A real mess. Lots of casualties." He paused and shook his head. "He talked to one of the guys at the scene. Said it was Bobby's pickup."

Each man had their view on what Alejandro had shared. Remarks flew in every direction.

"That dang fool drunk. He probably caused the accident and killed someone."

"Hope he's dead. Maybe cremated on the spot. Never had a lick of good in him since his wife died."

"Now, boys, like him or not, if it's Bobby, he's left a daughter behind."

"Yeah, and Audrey, too. I'd hate to be the one to have to deliver the news to either of them. Darn shame."


Chuck's Diner was buzzing with chatter about the accident.

"Saw the coroner's car headed in the direction of the 101."

"Now I ain't saying who called, but I got the story from the horse's mouth. One of the trucks belonged to that kid Bobby was fighting the other day. Found drugs in the cab of his pickup."

"You sayin' the kid was higher than a kite and wanted payback?"

"Ain't sayin' nothing of the kind. Can't say I'd blame him though. He's hurt and maybe his future is in the outhouse cuz of Bobby."

The waitress topped off their coffee cups. "Don't none of you be pointing fingers at Dion. He don't do drugs."

One man leaned back and laughed, staring directly at the waitress. "It's those quiet ones you gotta look out for, honey."

Sparks shot from her eyes. "You don't know what you're talking about. If anyone caused the accident, it was Bobby."

"What accident? What about Bobby?" Audrey stood in the doorway, her eyes wide with fear. "Somebody better start talking and tell me what's going on."

She heard a familiar voice directly behind her. "Audrey, maybe we should go somewhere more private to talk,"

She spun around, beating her fists against Jackson's chest. "No, you tell me what you have to say, right now."

Jackson looked into Audrey's eyes. He hated what he was about to do to the woman he loved, but she wasn't leaving him any choice. He pulled her into his arms and held her tight as he spoke, "I'm sorry, Honey, but Bobby's dead."

From a dark place deep inside, a spine-chilling wail erupted from Audrey's mouth as she fainted in Jackson's arms.


ISABELLA - Natasha's grandmother
DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend
GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky
BOBBY - Gabby's father
AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt
JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day
PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman
AMANDA - Paddy's wife
LUCILLE LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers
CHARLIE - Department Manager for the Sheriff
JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey
JUAN - Local pool boy and behind the scenes drug supplier
AUSTIN - semi driver and owner of Roscoe
ROSCOE - Austin's co-pilot, a German Shepherd
AL - a firefighter at the scene
TAYLOR - a town resident and mail carrier
ALEJANDRO - a local farmer
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