General Fiction posted February 11, 2024 Chapters:  ...12 13 -14- 15... 

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Bobby Strikes Again

A chapter in the book Life's Twisted Road

Life's Twisted Road - Chap 14

by Begin Again


Jason pulled along the curb behind Dion's Dodge truck. Climbing out of the Camaro, Dion leaned down so he could see his friend's face. "All these years and I don't know you, at all. Thanks for the ride, but you better go. Don't want to be late for practice." He slammed the car door and headed for his truck.

Leaning out the window, Jason yelled, "Aren't you coming to practice?"

"Nope! Think I'll take a drive in the country and clear my head." Dion needed to think. He'd known Jason since first grade, or at least he thought he'd known him. Now, he wasn't anyone he even cared to hang out with anymore. As he pulled away from the curb, his thoughts turned from his best friend to Gabby and the baby.

His eyes lifted toward the sky as he spoke, "God, that girl deserves something better than a drunk for a daddy and an ignorant football player for a boyfriend. I know I haven't been perfect, but if I've earned any grace in heaven, feel free to pass it her way." As he left the city limits, he murmured, "Amen."



Bobby parked his truck under an enormous oak tree, on a farmer's dirt road leading into a cornfield. It was one of his favorite spots. Shady, secluded, and free. He could see the highway, but cars passing by wouldn't see him.

The couple shared the lunch Judy bought at the "Bottoms-Up" and drank a few beers. Scattered empty cans and brown sandwich papers covered the floorboards around the cooler.

They'd been playing kissy-face for far too long for Bobby's liking. Game time was over, and it was time to get down to business. Judy wasn't against sex, just not in the front seat of Bobby's truck. An unbuttoned shirt was one thing, getting naked was another.

"You've got my engines fired up, Babe." Bobby's rough, working hands squeezed her breasts. "Why don't you take that piece of lace off and set the girls free?"

Judy playfully slapped his hand. "Sweetie, did it slip your mind where we are? Someone might see us."

His fingers made a third attempt at unhooking her bra while he buried his face against her chest, mumbling, "Damn, I've never been any good at those things. They should be Velcro or something."

"Silly, that wouldn't work. They would constantly rip apart." Giggling nervously, she added, "Oh, I get it. You're a dirty ole man, Bobby."

"Come on, Babe. Give Bobby some of the sweet stuff."

"Bobby, honey, I'm sorry, but that spicy stuff they put on our sandwiches isn't setting too well." Judy moaned and tried to sit up. "I need some air."

Bobby rolled his eyes. "It was only Sriracha sauce with jalapenos."

"Ugh! Bobby, I mean it. I might puke."

Dragging himself to an upright position, he cursed, "Damn you, woman! Ain't nothing going right today?" His fist punched the seat. He spat, "Give me another beer."

Surprised by his sudden outburst, Judy pressed against the passenger door but forced her hand toward the cooler. "Here's your beer." Bobby grabbed it from her hand. "I'm really sorry, sweetie. Maybe we could stop at the market for steaks and go back to your place. Later tonight, we could grill and sit under the stars. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

Bobby threw back his head, opened his mouth wide, and let the beer slide down his throat. He crunched the can and tossed it out the window. "Sure, ain't getting nothing done out here."

The keys dangled from the ignition. Angrily, Bobby started the truck and maneuvered it over the tractor ruts. Judy rocked side to side as she fumbled with her shirt buttons. The cooler tipped, spilling the remaining melted ice and water. Bobby's foot slammed on the brake pedal as he jammed the gears into neutral.

"Throw the thing out! Just keep the beer." Bobby was losing control. His anger was reaching boiling point again.

Judy ventured a question, unsure if she was expected to toss the Styrofoam cooler. She trembled as she spoke, "But —"

"But nothing." Bobby snarled, "Do what you're told and give me that last beer."

Shaking, she handed him the beer. He popped the top and chugged it.

"Let's go home, Bobby. I'll toss it out there." Tears were gathering in her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he yanked the cooler off the floor and pitched it through the open window. "Guess if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself."

Terrified, she fastened her seatbelt, expecting it was going to be a wild ride home.

He shifted the gears and moved toward the highway. As he pulled onto the pavement, Judy's eyes widened and she screamed, "Stooooop! There's a truck!" Her hands covered her eyes, positive they were about to be hit by the oncoming vehicle.

Bobby's work boot tromped on the brake pedal as the gray Dodge pickup swerved around them, just missing the front end of their truck.

"That son-of-a—" The word caught in his throat as his brain shifted gears. He recognized the truck. Hitting the gas pedal, the spinning wheels threw dirt, gravel, and weeds everywhere. Pulling onto the pavement, the truck wheels gained traction, and the speedometer climbed.

"Bobby, what are you doing?" Judy could feel her heart thumping wildly against her chest. "It wasn't the driver's fault. Please stop."

A maniacal laugh surged through him, erupting from his mouth. He glanced at the terrified woman beside him, dismissed her, and returned his dark, piercing eyes toward the Dodge pickup disappearing around the curve. "Everything's his fault." Bobby nodded toward the other truck. "That boy just tried to kill us. Now he's going to pay."

"That's Dion? It wasn't his fault." She glanced out the windshield before turning to Bobby. "Oh, God, please don't do anything you'll be sorry for."

"Trust me, I won't!" He pushed the gas pedal harder and watched the speedometer climb past 70, 80, then 90. It was approaching 100 as Bobby careened around the curve, barely missing an oncoming car.

Judy choked back the scream, knowing it would only add fuel to his out-of-control fire. She squeezed her eyes shut, praying they would make it out alive.

Beads of sweat dotted Bobby's brow. His white knuckles clutched the steering wheel as the truck closed the distance, inching closer to Dion.

"Hoo-rah! Saddle up, boy, because you're about to have the ride of your life." The sound of his laughter and eerie voice sent repeated chills up and down Judy's spine.

Bobby's Ford rammed the Dodge's bumper, causing it to swerve violently. Dion's unsuspecting eyes flew to his rearview mirror, registering fear as he recognized the driver.

Dion gave his truck more gas, hoping to pull away from the crazed man behind him. Bobby did the same, slamming into the rear of the truck again. Dion fishtailed across the dividing line, narrowly missing an oncoming car. The other car's horn blared as the two trucks whizzed by, disappearing around another curve.

Dion's hands gripped the steering wheel as he fought to keep his vehicle on the road. His head violently rocked each time the other truck rammed into his vehicle. A searing pain shot through his neck into his brain. He grimaced, fighting to remain focused. He knew his life depended on it.

The wheels on the right side of the truck went off the road. Dion bit his lip hard, and a trickle of blood ran down his chin. He yanked the steering wheel violently, swerving as he brought the truck to the pavement.

As he rounded another sharp bend, he saw the semi-truck barreling toward him. A guttural moan escaped his throat as he prayed, "God, I don't want to die today."

Judy's hysterical screams reverberated inside the cab, but Bobby's attention remained fixed on the truck in front of him as his Ford inflicted another dangerous impact on Dion's truck.


ISABELLA - Natasha's grandmother
DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend
GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky
BOBBY - Gabby's father
AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt
JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day
PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman
AMANDA - Paddy's wife
LUCILLE LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers
CHARLIE - Department Manager for the Sheriff
JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey
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