General Fiction posted February 9, 2024 Chapters:  ...15 16 -17- 18... 

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A fledgling killer commits his crime

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover

The Librarian


The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

Crime, drama, murder - see you in Montana
He has his treasure in the back seat. Somewhere in his mind a switch goes off. His clever and charming self is pushed aside to welcome in the other one. The one who has wanted this feeding for so very long.

She is mumbling under the blanket and seems to be waking up a little more as time goes on. He must not have put enough chloroform on the scarf. Figures, what do you expect from Walmart? Not high quality. He pulls into an alley, jumps out and opens the back door. He then quickly pulls off the blanket and garbage, takes off his winter gloves, exposing the blue of the surgical gloves underneath. He tosses the gloves over to the front seat and climbs inside, sitting on the bound girl he has named, Sandra.

She looks terrified. Her eyes are wide, and she is moaning. Her moans remind him of the female orgasm. She is getting louder. He puts his hand on her mouth. "Shh, sweet Sandra, Shh." The feeling of control, of absolute power is surging through him. The adrenaline and dopamine's are coursing through his veins and slamming into the pleasure centres of his brain. She starts to struggle so he quickly wraps his strong hands around her throat. He leans into her face and whispers in her ear.

"It's alright, just let it happen. You will love the rush." His mind is telling him that she likes what he is doing. The more she struggles the more he feels the proof of it. Her red terrified eyes are dripping hot tears pouring down her cheeks. Then they start to dim. Her kicking and thrashing are slowing down. As he watches her lose consciousness he knows if he doesn't let go soon, she will die. He thinks it may be better if she is still alive for the next part of his plan.

He puts a blue tarp on the pavement and puts her body on that tarp. He pulls up her shirt and exposes her smooth clean skin. His excitement is increasing as he pulls out the last of his supplies.

He then leans over her to strangle her some more. Now he can watch as life slowly slips from her. He looks at her adoringly, tilting his head to the side while he watches her life leave her. The moment she is gone, he grabs the large knife and starts to caress her with it. He begins with her face, careful not to cut her skin. He thinks her final look of softened terror, desperation and that slackened look of death is beautiful. Terrifically beautiful. He is filled with emotion looking at her, could it be love?

Then he moves down and sideways so he can look at her abdomen. He takes the knife and presses it into her stomach. Pulling across her body. Surprisingly not as much blood as he was expecting, but then again without a heartbeat only the pressure in the veins would release any blood.

He puts down the knife and explores the gash in her belly. The glistening intestines slip out of her and onto his hand. The glorious wet warmth of them intrigue him and he runs his fingers through them some more. Curious he pulls further apart the gash to look inside. Everything is red and wet and somehow looks alive.

He then feels a twitch and increase in pressure in his pants. Not truly understanding what is happening he pushes this thought aside. He knows he has only a few more minutes so he needs to stop what he is doing so he can pack everything up. He stands, looks down at her and lovingly says. "Sandy, my love, I shall miss you so."

He wraps the body in the tarp and then gets it all inside the garbage bags, duct taping them shut. He puts this package in the back seat and looks around to make sure he has not left anything behind. He pulls off the blue gloves covered in her blood and disposes of them inside a plastic shopping bag and drops it on the floor. Satisfied, he gets in the driver's seat and heads to the dump. When he gets there, he drags the package in through the fence and proceeds to dig a hole for it. Digging in a dump is harder than it looks, many bits are bigger and harder to move than common dirt is. It took some effort but eventually he was able to 'hide' it well. He gets back into his car.

He sits there for a moment. He has not been able to get rid of that twitch in his pants. He looks over to the small mound where Sandra is and takes his cock out. He tugs on himself while thinking about the feel of her organs in his hand. Its takes only a few pulls and his release is granted. It was intense and shook him to his very core. So, this is what a real orgasm feels like. His brain in full and he is high from all the events of the evening.

No time to spare! Quickly, he drives back to the library and slips in the back door, quietly working his way back into his seat. He takes a moment and looks at his watch and discovers he made it with 10 minutes until the library closes. He takes this time to think about what he had just accomplished. Trying to slow his heart, bring down the adrenaline and fix a 'normal' look on his face, he then packs up and walks towards the librarian.

"Hey Jess, you look lovely tonight." He smiles brightly at her.

She slightly blushes and looks at him. "Thanks, did you get a lot of studying in?"

"Jess, I think you and I should go out on a date. Dinner, on me. Tomorrow. I won't take no for an answer." He leans across the counter and plants a quick kiss to her cheek.

Damn he was feeling great.

His first try - not so bad is it?
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