Supernatural Poetry posted February 9, 2024

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I Was Tempted

by HarryT

Temptation Poetry Contest Winner 
Velvet-toned voice, a whisper in my ear
"Why struggle? When my help's right here?"
A mysterious figure speaking with faux grace
Smile perfect, yet evil eyes on a hollow face
He promised me fame and fortune yet untold
Talk of riches, a pledge of much more to unfold
I asked what was the cost of his generous offer
He said, my immortal soul into his eternal coffer
My mind reeled. Shall I accept this tempting call?
Yearning and wanting it would be fun to take all
"No!” I shouted, “You're not the Light or the Way!”
I’ll keep my soul, sir, evil will never be my play"
The tempter hissed and faded into the night
I stood empowered in the shining starlight
My life is a challenge, my burdens may increase
But in my soul, I now possess a glowing peace
I confronted temptation and made my stand
Refusing his invitation with a soul-saving plan
The long road ahead will not always be clear
But I go with faith, spirit uplifted, free from fear

Writing Prompt
Write a poem any style or length that deals with any aspect of the topic, 'Temptation'.

Temptation Poetry
Contest Winner

Good and Evil: the Devil Tempting a Young Woman, 1832
by Jacques Victor Orse
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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