General Fiction posted February 5, 2024 Chapters:  ...8 9 -10- 11... 

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Trouble - a snowball rolling down hill - faster and faster

A chapter in the book Life's Twisted Road

Life's Twisted Road - Chap 10

by Begin Again


Gabby managed a crooked smile, then asked, "What's going to happen to my dad?"

"Jackson  I mean, the Sheriff, said they'd take him to the station to sober up. He'll either be charged with drunk and disorderly conduct or if the boy presses charges, it could be assault."

"Oh my God! Assault! What does that mean?" Gabby's tear-stained eyes widened in horror.

"Could mean jail time. Depends on the facts."

Gabby yanked her phone out of her jeans pocket. "I've gotta call my Aunt Audrey."

Lakewood's eyebrow arched at the name. "Good. I'm going to get back over there now." As she walked across the street, Gabby's last remark swirled around in her thoughts.

Audrey? Could the aunt be the girl Jackson's been spending time with? Now, won't that be a kettle to fry for the boss?"



"Look, Paddy. De yooehng girl seems to be in destress. Maybe we shooehld 'elp."

"Now, me dear, we can't be stickin our noses in everyone's business. It's naht like our homeland, you know."

"Dat's pure nahnsense, Paddy. Dis is our home now, and de girl might be in trooehble."

Paddy hadn't been looking at the girl in question, but at his wife's insistence, he turned and looked where she was pointing.

"Amanda, me love, I know de lass. She's de one who ran into me dis morn' on de jahggin path." His eyes scanned the small park. "She was wit a lad. I wahnder where he is?"

"Paddy, he's naht 'ere so go speak wit 'er. See if she's hurt."

"Alright, wahmen, give me time. I'll say a friendly 'ello and see 'ow she is."

"Dat's a good man. Now go."

Paddy left the jogging path and walked across the grass. His wife, Amanda, followed close behind.

As he approached Gabby, he extended his hand, touching her arm. Startled, Gabby jumped and raised her head.

"'ello lass. Remember me? We met dis morn' on de jahggin path. I mean no 'arm, boot me wife saw you cryin and she thought we shooehld check to see if you were 'urt. I hope you dahn't mind."

Gabby recognized Paddy and shook her head. "It's okay."

Amanda moved closer and sat beside Gabby. She patted the girl's hand. "I'm 'is wife, Amanda. Can we 'elp you?"

"You both are so sweet, but there's nothing anyone can do. My father had too much to drink, and he got into a fight with my friend, Dion." She looked up at Paddy. "He's the boy I was with this morning."

"Yes, Paddy mentioned de yooehng man. Is he okay? And what abooeht yer father?"

"Dahn't be badgerin de poor girl wit all yer questions. She doesn't need you oehpsettin 'er."

"Never mind 'im. I remember de lasses at home. Dey all came to me wit deir trooehbles. Paddy and I are more dan 'appy to do what we can."

"I've been trying to reach my aunt to tell her that my father's sobering up in jail. She'll have to bail him out, but she doesn't answer her phone." She sniffled and then added, "Dion's at the clinic, getting checked out. I'm sure his family won't want to see me after what my dad did. I was about to call my friends. Maybe they could check on Dion before they pick me up."

"Well, Paddy and I were 'eaded to de diner fahr a bite to eat. Why dahn't you join us while you wait and 'ave yer friends meet you dere?"

"I couldn't impose. I'll be fine. Go have your lunch and I'll wait here for them."

"Nahnsense, child. We wahn't 'ear o' leavin you 'ere, oehpset and settin alone. Food'll do you good."

"You might as well give in because she wahn't take no fahr an answer. I shooehld know."

"Mend yer manners, Paddy O'Neil." Amanda shot a telling look in Paddy's direction before taking Gabby's hand. "Comb ahn now. Let's go find us a cup o' chowder. I 'ear it's de special tahday."

Gabby wrinkled her nose at the thought of eating chowder. "Maybe I'll have some tea instead. It always settles my stomach."

"Den a nice warm cup o' tea it is. Call yer friends and tell dem where you'll be."


A weary-eyed Jackson entered the office. "I sure hope you've got some coffee brewing over there, Charlie. And the stronger the better."

"Coming right up, boss." Charlie headed for the coffee station and poured the tarry, black brew into Jackson's favorite mug. He handed it to him. "Rough night?"

"Wasn't the night I'd planned, that's for sure. Showed up at Audrey's house with flowers, two of Frank's finest ribeye steaks, and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon."

Charlie whistled. "Sounds mighty good to me."

"So I thought until she popped the cork, and it wasn't the wine." Jackson rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and leaned back in his chair. "The town's grapevine caught on fire and got to Audrey first. She had a head of steam built up, bigger than the Sante Fe that rolls through here at midnight. She wasn't having any of it. Told me in no uncertain words her brother wasn't sleeping it off in the tank. She wanted me to march back down here and get him out. I tried to explain it, but she didn't care what I had to say."

"She's got to understand, Jackson. You're the sheriff and he broke the law. You've looked the other direction many times, but Bobby assaulted the kid."

"Now anyone with some common sense would understand that logic. But Audrey — well, she wasn't understanding a word I said. Kicked myself for leaving the steaks on the table, but I had to get out of there till she cooled down."

"Good morning, boss." Officer Lakewood joined her fellow officers. "You better get earplugs if you're planning on visiting our newest resident. Thank God we didn't have anyone else in here last night."

"Why? What's going on?" Jackson sat up straight and gulped down his coffee.

Lakewood smiled and walked over to the door that led to the cells. She cracked it open, listened, and then swung it wide open.

Rat-a-tat-tat! Rat-a-tat-tat! A tin cup was clanging against the cell bars, followed by Bobby's irate screaming. "Damn you, Jackson, I know you're out there. If you know what's good for you, you better let me out of this hellhole."

Lakewood closed the door and leaned against it. "He's been going on like that since he sobered up. If that's what state he's really in."

Charlie chuckled, "I don't think that man's ever totally sober." A phone rang in an outer office, jogging Charlie's memory. "Almost forgot, a woman called this morning asking about bail for Bobby. Told her I hadn't heard anything yet."

"Was it Audrey?" Jackson wondered, his interest piqued, as he considered if she'd attempt to bail Bobby out of jail. She'd borrowed money for groceries a few days ago and her payday wasn't until next Thursday. Audrey wouldn't or shouldn't have been able to raise bail, even if it had been posted, which it wasn't.

"No, I'd have recognized her voice. And I don't think it was Gabby either."

"I can't imagine who would want to throw good money away to bail his butt out of jail." Jackson shook his head. "Come on. Lakewood. Let's you and I go cruise the town for a while. Maybe Bobby will wear himself out."
Outside, the sun was shining. It was a peaceful day.



The threatening storm clouds were the ominous prologue to the day's story. The low rumble in the distance was only a warning of things to come.
Bobby made bail.


DION - Star quarterback and Jason's best friend

GABBY - Jason's girlfriend and best friends with Natasha and Becky

BOBBY - Gabby's father

AUDREY - Bobby's sister and Gabby's Aunt

JUDY -THE BLONDE - Bobby's drinking date for the day

PADDY -THE JOGGER - A nice older Irish gentleman

AMANDA - Paddy's wife

OFFICER LAKEWOOD - one of the arresting officers

CHARLIE - Department Manager for the Sheriff

JACKSON - the sheriff and the man dating Bobby's sister, Audrey
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