General Poetry posted February 1, 2024 Chapters:  ...13 14 -15- 16... 

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Yamato Uta Poem for the Japanese Poetry Club

A chapter in the book 2024 Japanese Poetry

On a Flower Moon

by Gypsy Blue Rose

To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check author notes (poem in black font in author notes)
On a flower moon,
I ran with bared feet
across the bluegrass

I looked up
through the net of trees
as they caught
the Pisces Constellation

The night bathed me
and for a moment
I lost myself
in the massive cobalt sky

The Universe
became my skin
and the flower moon
was my heart
beating in the dark

Lightning came jagged
and menacing
but in soft silver light
followed by faraway
songs of thunder
with electrifying notes

The Pisces constellation lies in the northern sky. Its name means fish in Latin. Pisces is one of the largest constellations in the sky.

Yamato uta is an unrhymed free verse type of Japanese poetry. Free verse means there are no rules, the poem is not rhymed and it can be as long as you like. It was created by poets during the Heian Period 700 century. As with all Japanese poetry, keep it as succinct as possible with word imagery, easy to visualize. Most are about nature but you can use any subject you like. "Yamato-uta is composed of the many words born from people's hearts, as leaves grow from seeds". The people use these words dexterously to express their thoughts about what they see or hear." wikipedia

thank you for reading and reviewing my poem,


On a flower moon,
I ran with bared feet
across the bluegrass

I looked up
through the net of trees
as they caught
the Pisces Constellation

The night bathed me
and for a moment
I lost myself
in the massive cobalt sky

The Universe
became my skin
and the flower moon
was my heart
beating in the dark

Lightning came jagged
and menacing
but in soft silver light
followed by faraway
songs of thunder
with electrifying notes

Club entry for the "YAMATO UTA POEM" event in "JAPANESE POETRY CLUB".  Locate a writing club.
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