General Fiction posted January 27, 2024 Chapters: 2 3 -4- 5... 

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Secrets are revealed

A chapter in the book Life's Twisted Road

Life's Twisted Road - Chap 4

by Begin Again

End of Chap. 3 (Posted Saturday AM)

Gabby shot Nat a disinterested look, but still asked, "Why? What's Saturday?"

"We're going dress shopping, nerd. How could you forget something so important as our dresses for the dance?"

Gabby nibbled at her lower lip before answering, "I'm not going." She hesitated and flippantly added, "I might be dead by then."

"It's food poisoning, goofball. You aren't going to die. But Nat â?" I didn't think you had enough money yet."

"Got it covered." Smiling like a Cheshire cat, Nat pulled a plastic container from under the bed and rummaged through it before tossing a prescription bottle across the room to Becky.

Becky's eyes widened as she read the label. "Nat, these are your grandmother's pills."

Chapter 4 -

Becky read the label out loud "OxyContin ER, 10 mg." Confused, she stared across the room at Nat. "Why do you have Isabella's pills? Doesn't she take these for the painful arthritis in her back and knees?"

"She does. But why do you ask the reason I have them? You, of all people, should know exactly what I plan on doing with them. The same thing you did with the vapes and whatever pills you could yank from your dad's pharmacy."

"Wait! It's one thing to short a customer two or three pills when filling their prescription, but you're taking the entire bottle. Besides, if you remember, I almost got caught. Lucky for me, my dad blamed the new kid. I got off Scott-free. These are your grandmother's and only family members have access."

"Trust me, she won't miss them. She only takes them now and then. There's still another bottle in the medicine cabinet. By the time she looks for them if she even remembers, no one will figure it out. They'll assume she missed placed them."

"I don't know, Nat. It sounds pretty risky."

"You know another way to get enough money in a hurry? Didn't your man say the college geeks at the club would buy everything they could get?"

"Juan isn't my man. He's my neighbor's pool boy, and he's fun to hang out with when there's nothing else to do. He sold a few vapes I lifted from the shop. Kids were stealing them left and right before my dad locked them up. It wasn't just me."

"It won't hurt to ask him, now, will it? If you prefer not to help me out, I'll do it myself. Unless you've cornered the market on the man."

"Shut up Nat! You're being ridiculous. Juan is not my type." Becky laughed. "He's all yours. Now can we talk about something more exciting than my neighbor's pool boy?"

"Sure. Have either of you signed up for the dance decorating committee? I heard we can get half-price tickets if we do." Nat turned toward Gabby. "Cat got your tongue, Gabby?"

"Guess I've got nothing to say. You two seem to do fine without me adding my two cents."

"You've always got something to say." Becky chuckled and lobbed a pillow at her friend. "You're not upset because I tossed Nat a bone by telling her she could have Juan, are you?"

"Of course she isn't. She's got Jason locked down. Lucky her."

"For your information, I've never had Jason locked down. Football is his life. I've barely seen him since his grades slipped. Coach jumped all over him."

"He's still taking you to the dance, right?"

"Enough about the dance, okay? Between football practice and his assigned tutor, Jason doesn't have time for me."

"Don't be silly. He'll come around. You two are a couple. Maybe right now he's occupied with other things, but everyone attends the dance."

"Right! He's a football star, and it's nonsense to think he won't be walking into the dance with you on his arm. Looking glamorous, I might add."

"Stop!" Gabby's voice was sharp. She hadn't meant to scream. Sheepishly, she added, "Please stop. I'm not going to the dance with Jason or anyone else."

Becky jumped out of the beanbag and sat down beside Gabby. She wrapped her arm around her friend's shoulder. "What's going on? Spill it."

Glistening tears filled Gabby's eyes and poured down her cheeks. "Jason and I are done."

Both girls gasped, stunned by Gabby's words. Nat recovered first. "Done? You can't be. You've always been the sweetest couple."

"Believe me, Nat. It's over."

Becky squeezed Gabby's shoulder. "What happened? Maybe we can talk to him. Guys are stupid sometimes. Even the smart ones."

"I don't want to talk about it. Just leave it be." Gabby wiped her face with her hands. "Trust me, talking will not change
a thing."

"Come on, Gabby. We're the three musketeers. One for all and all for one. Let us help."

Gabby shook her head. "You don't understand." She picked up her backpack from the floor, pausing before she unzipped the side pocket. Reaching inside, she pulled something out, folding it tightly in her hand.

A fresh wave of tears spilled from her red blood-shot eyes. "There's nothing either of you can do. It's my problem."

"But three heads are better than one. I'm sure we can help."

"No, not this time, Beck." Gabby sighed. "I don't have food poisoning." She opened her hand, exposing the dreaded thermometer-looking item. She held it out for her friends to see it. A plus marked the spot.

"Oh my God, Gabby, you're pregnant." Becky screeched. Nat followed suit. All Gabby could do was sob and nod her head.


Isabella - the grandmother

Natasha - Isabella's granddaughter

Becky and Gabby - Natasha's besties

Jason - football star and Gabby's boyfriend
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