General Fiction posted January 20, 2024

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80 word flash

Black Lion Inn

by zanya

Seated alongside her father, Earl Edward, in the family Landau, Miranda shivered.

 Slivers of wintry sunlight lit up the eastern sky.


‘Papa,’ Miranda began, ’Is Squire Dayton a handsome fellow?’

Holding   his lorgnette  closer, Earl Edward  stared at his daughter.

‘Preposterous question. He has an annual income of fifty pounds..’


Their Landau stopped outside the ‘Black Lion’ inn.

Papa disembarked.


Miranda waited for stable boy Winston’s secret signal.

Miranda’s ghost, folklore says, still  walks by the inn on wintry nights.



80 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story of 80 words. not including the title. Any subject accepted. Must be exactly 80 words.

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