General Script posted January 13, 2024 Chapters:  ...30 31 -32- 33... 

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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 32

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Skar = (Oscar Kilo, Pons's clone) Vice Presidential
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash
Ned Nuckledd = campaign worker
MauMau= media coordinator
Betty Biggins: = campaign manager
AA (Abecedari Ann) = Poet Laureate

The scene opens in the alley behind Luigi's genuine Italian restaurant. The group is dispersed in smaller gatherings across the dirty path between buildings. LorDee, Betty, and AA are in the group on stage right. Skar, Pons, and Ned are on the opposite side. MauMau is alone between the two groups.

LorDee : Did we drink too much or did we take the back exit on purpose?

Betty  : Both A and B..

AA : I feel a poem coming on.

Ned : It's sure a good thin' that the owner let us sneak out the backway afore trouble wit a capital W showed up. 

Skar : I know I will regret asking, but -- capital W?
Ned : Wrong, Oscar. 

Pons : Well, of course. That is as plain as the burned out cigar snuffing nose on Smokey the Snowman's ash can face. 

MauMau: I think Pons drank from the big-boy bottle tonight.

LorDee : I think I want to have an affair with Maninoff.

Betty : Shhh. He'll hear you.

AA : I think WE are already an item.
LorDee : Shhh.  You'll hear me.

Betty : Are you drunk?

AA : Are you drunk, she asked, already knowing she was....

Ned : I think Annie is makin' up a poem. 

Pons : Where the buffalo roam?

Skar : And the pears and the cantaloupe play. 

MauMau: Are you fellows singing, or are these the sounds of the end days?
LorDee : Skar seems to remind me of Pons a lot.

Betty : You know, of course, that he is Pons' clone.
LorDee : Do they look that much alike though?
Betty : They are practically identical.

AA : Are you drunk, she asked, already knowing she was....

Ned : Annie is startin' ta repeat herself.

Skar : Said the local sprite to the visiting elf.

Pons : ...and the skies are knockaloudyalday.

MauMau: I guess I did drink the grape juice. 

LorDee : I'm imagining becoming a mother in the future.

Betty : You mean like The Mother of the Nation?
LorDee : I was considering just a girl and boy.

AA : The Mother of the Nation speaks...

Ned : ...callin' on her friends'n freaks.

Skar : ...airpits filled with last year's leeks.

Pons : Wait! Armpits full of leeks?

MauMau: How do I find myself in situations like this?

LorDee : Why are we outside again?

Betty : Fresh air, and fresh air.

AA : Aren't those two items the same thing?

Ned : I've bin list'n to the gals and they're talkin' about strange stuff.

Skar : ...we don't talk about strange enough...

Pons : Is it me, or are we speaking in rhyme -- ahh -- uff!

MauMau: Maybe I should run for President. 

LorDee : Let's go back inside for a nightcap.

Betty : I think Ned wants to ask me something important.

AA : He will say something like: Grow old with me! The best is yet to be.

Ned : I'm a wondrin if Betty would wanna grow old wit me. 

Skar : I'll bet she wants at least half of that. 

Pons : It's worth an ask, Cuz.

MauMau: I wonder if Betty would want to grow old with me. 

LorDee : Shoot! The door is locked.

Betty : I'm going to talk to Ned.

AA : Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?

Ned : What's a heaven fer?

Skar : I'll just say it: Robert Browning.

Pons : Why am I in an alley?

MauMau: Someone suggested I should run for President. I agree.

To be continued...

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