Steamy Summer days, childhood’s
magical moments, steeped in nostalgia --
heady scents of salt water and suntan
lotions, squishy, wet sand between toes.
A glorious innocence, infinite possibilities,
until dark clouds gather, sun fades behind
hazy skies - in her rearview mirror.
On the brink of full-grown, body changes,
features define. She blossoms, like a brilliant
flash of floral splendor Mother Nature’s
Spring brings. Soon warm winds will blow
cooler, ready her for lifes’ next chapter.
Crystal-clear vision blurs, she strains a bit
to focus - in her rearview mirror.
Middle ages bring crisp, sun-lit days ablaze in
swirling dances of red and gold leaves. Fall’s
arrival is bold, takes its toll. Chaotic juggling of
family, career, health, money worries, and loss.
Still, she learns to love the skin she’s in. A quick
glance reveals the face of a serene woman of
substance, smiling back - from her rearview mirror.
In the bleak shiver of Winter, she faces challenges.
Footsteps slow, body grows weary, joints brittle
as frozen branches on leafless trees. She pushes on,
embraces the future, relishes remarkable moments --
sweet sounds of a grandchild’s laugh, warm hugs,
feeling loved, relevant, vital. All the while, timeless
memories play out - in her rearview mirror.