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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 31

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Skar = (Oscar Kilo, Pons's clone) Vice Presidential 
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash
Ned Nuckledd = campaign worker
MauMau= media coordinator
Betty Biggins: = campaign manager
AA (Abecedari Ann) = Poet Laureate

The scene opens in a back corner of Luigi's genuine Italian restaurant. The group is seated in a semicircle that begins with Lordee on left and all others going to the right.
LorDeeDoes everyone have a wine glass?  I want to offer a toast.

Skar  Everyone grab a wine glass so the boss can give a toast.

Pons Which one is the wine glass?
Ned I got one wit water and one with some kool-aid what has turned. 

MauMauThat bad one is wine, Ned, It is a test of nerve to endure its repulsive taste.
Betty :  LorDee is giving a toast!

AA I feel a poem coming on.
LorDeeTo all of us -- as we plot this historic drive to the White House.

Skar  What did you say?

Pons She mentioned a plot about driving a truck full of explosives to the White House.
Ned : Seems a bit early ta be shootin' off deplosives afore winnin' the predjudicy.

MauMau:  Oh, is this wine? I thought it came in a box.

Betty :  Only the top shelf brands, MauMau. 

AA :  My poem will be about being a wino in East Los Angeles.
LorDee:  May we lead our country to a new era in collabrative thinking and doing.

Skar So, is this salad dressing the house brand or ranch?
Pons : What did LorDee say about a collapsible drinking station?
Ned :  What in the heck is a collectible whatever?

MauMauSo she collects wine? 
Betty :  My step-father collected wine -- in his stomach.

AA :  Was this wine? I thought it was grape juice. 
LorDeeWe will lead from the front. Demanding justice and common sense at all times.

Skar  Uh oh, I think the boss has had one too many.  

Pons I think she is rendering her soul to us. 
Ned That don't sound like somethin' I would wanna see.

MauMau: So, is she going to be sick?
Betty :  My second step-father collected wine as well. He used a gun and wore a mask.

AA It is East L.A. in the morning. The misty dawn rises from the west today. Fish!
LorDeeOur boarders will be controled and the prisons thrown open. 

Skar  Prisons opened?

Pons I think she means metaphorically.
Ned :  Or she means she met a four-man car cleanin' crew.

MauMauWhat did she say about cleaning cars?

Betty :  I can think of better fund raisers.

AA The fish are free on Friday at the levee headless fish farm.
LorDee:  Thank you all for being on the team.
Skar  You are welcome, LorDee.

Pons Of course. 
Ned Acourse.

MauMau:  What did she say about cleaning cars?

Betty : I feel I'm talking too much. 

AA :  I may need to sit closer to the boss.

Skar  Salute!

Pons Salute!
Ned : Is that what they call this purple stuff?

MauMau:  Did we ever order?

Betty :  My third step-father was a politician.

AA :  It's great being on a team.
To be continued...

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