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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 30

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Skar = (
Oscar Kilo, Pons's clone) Vice Presidential 
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash
Ned Nuckledd = campaign worker
MauMau= media coordinator
Betty Biggins: = campaign manager
AA (
Abecedari Ann) = Poet Laureate

The battle will go on with the third party candidate,  readying herself for the 2024 Presidential debate. She will have with her both MauMau and Betty as campaign leaders, as well as her vice president, Oscar Kilo.
LorDee: I am so very happy to have all the rest of the drama behind us.

Skar:  Right. I won't even mention it as it might put an empty barrel in readers' minds.

Pons: Readers?
Ned : Them's folks what reads things, Pons.

MauMau: I have abandoned reading and now take in all my new information through Fox News.
Betty :  That explains a lot.

AA: I feel a poem coming on.
LorDee: I want to concentrate today on scheduled visits, topics, and finances.

Skar:  We should visit Luigi's at lunch today.

Pons: She means associated with becoming president.
Ned : Like knowin' the states a these United States ah Ameriker.

MauMau:  I can state the states of the United States in alphabetical order.

Betty :  Ned and I practice that all the time. 

AA:  My poem will be about being the Poet Laureate.
LorDee:  Perhaps your poem could keep me as its style leader?

Skar: Don't forget her eye-candy vice president.
Pons: What is a poet laureate, AA?
Ned :  Wanna do the states, Betty?

MauMau: May I join?
Betty :  Perhaps Annie could make up an alphabet poem.

AA:  What was your question, Pons?  
LorDee: Perhaps -- the struggle to be the president?

Skar:  Hey, that's a great idea for -- The Lariat.   

Pons: Laureate.
Ned : The alphabet states starts off wit the first four states all bein' spelt wit A.

MauMau: Austin, Akron, Annapolis, and Albuquerque 
Betty :  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas.

AA: What is a poet laureate? Was that your question, Pons?
LorDee: This meeting could be more organized, MauMau. Betty?

Skar:  So where are we on Luigi's?

Pons: There is no B state.
Ned :  Betty told me that Utah is a bee state.

MauMau:  Boston.

Betty :  California, Connecticut, Colorado. 

AA: A poet laureate writes poems about ---
LorDee:  The eventual president?
Skar:  The eventual meatball eater at -- ah -- Luigi's.

Pons: Delaware.
Ned : Ain't no E. I mean, there is a E, but no state what's got one.

MauMau:  Fargo.

Betty :  Florida.

AA:  The Presidency!!
LorDee: I like it so far.

Skar:  I wonder what it will be about. 

Pons: Georgia.
Ned : How-wa-hee. 

MauMau:  Did someone say Luigi's?

Betty :  LorDee's buying!

AA:  The Presidential Planning Party at Luigi's.
To be continued...

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