General Poetry posted December 20, 2023

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Tercets ~ Terza Rima

A Wailing Croon

by Sugarray77

Tercet Trifecta! Contest Winner 
So deep within that silky night
when wolves bayed at an amber moon,
I walked beneath its wintry light
and heard a tune, a wailing croon
that sang a saddened lullaby.
The lonesome cadence of a loon.
And, as I heard that plaintive cry,
old, man-made shackles fell from me
and I was one with Earth and Sky. 

Writing Prompt
Today we are writing a tercet about nature, humanity, and animals. A tercet is a complete 3-line poem. Do not write this or treat this as a Haiku. Requirements for this poem is to use at least one metaphor and one internal rhyme anywhere you like. As best as you can, incorporate all three of these elements (animals, nature, humanity), but it's okay if you only focus on the relationship between two.

How you do this is completely up to you.
No pictures. Only your words.

Winning is fun, but the goal here is learning! Reviewers, please be kind and helpful and be honest about areas of improvement or how a work made you feel.

Competitors, help eachother out as well!

Tercet Trifecta!
Contest Winner



Terza Rima ~ three tercets with a rhyme scheme of aba, bcb, cdc.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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