Fantasy Fiction posted December 17, 2023

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A ghost can be helpful if one does believe.

Ghost to the Rescue

by HarryT

Gail always wanted to see a ghost. She believed they were real and wanted so much to meet one. One night, on a moonlit walk, she spied a ghost near a park
bench. She approached him, not afraid, and with a friendly smile. It surprised Gail to hear him humming. She recognized the tune as “Bewitched,” her dad’s
favorite jazz melody. Drawn by her smile, the ghost told his name was Daniel and told her his story. He was a young successful jazz trumpet player,
murdered in his prime by a jealous rival.

Gail could feel the vibrations of his loss because she, too, had experienced a great loss last year when her mother drowned while swimming in Lake Michigan. Gail’s fear of losing her father threatened her, while Daniel struggled with wanting a life he could never get back. The mutual mourning allowed Gail and Daniel to form a bond of grief. Daniel could observe events that took place on earth. He shared with Gail that she was not told the truth about her mother. Believing her mother had left him, her father invented the tale of her going for her usual morning swim and never came home. The thought from the authorities was that she my have drown in a rip tide, but a body was never found.

Daniel revealed that Gail’s mother wasn’t dead. A sinister man kidnapped and was holding her captive. Daniel said that he was willing to fight the specter of the kidnapper and if he won, he could free her mother. Daniel told Gail to think very hard and wish for her own specter to appear. She did as he asked and, sure enough, her vaporous specter emerged. The two specters held hands and off they flew to the house, where Gail’s mother was chained to a bed in the basement. Just as the kidnapper was to have his way with her, the two specters appeared. Daniel grabbed the kidnapper’s evil specter by the throat and choked him. As he did, the kidnapper panicked. He couldn’t breathe. Fear stopped his heart, and he fell dead. Gail’s mother slipped from the chain.

A year after her disappearance, she returned home and told Gail and her father the true story of what happened to her. They were thankful to be reunited as a family. Gail always remembered her friend, Daniel, the ghost in her prayers.

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