Mystery and Crime Fiction posted December 15, 2023 Chapters:  ...6 7 -8- 9... 

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Buddy goes to the clinic - maybe

A chapter in the book Sandra's Lover



The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

Murder, Mystery, mahem. mmmm which one is first and which one is last!
Chapter Eight

His vehicle is full of supplies. In the trunk is rope, a potato sack, some duct tape, zap straps, some old clothes that are all packed into a garbage bag. He sits in his car, smiling. He checks the time, gets out and takes his notebook, a lunch bag, and his keys to the park bench. This part of the park is rarely used as it backs onto the trailer park where Buddy lives. Most people not liking to sit this close to 'those people.'

It's taken months for Buddy to trust him. Meeting him frequently at the park, just saying hello. Eventually it became a somewhat regular thing. They would have long conversations, most of which Joe hated but pretended to understand. Buddy was thinking that Joe was pretty cool for an old guy. He seemed to understand what it was like to be a confused teenage boy. Joe even once gave him a can of beer to drink with their sandwiches.

Today is different. Joe is ready to take things to the next level. Ready to show Buddy how the real-world works. Stupid kid. Fucking freak kid. Damn kid trying to tell him, he's a tranny. What the fuck. That is unnatural and he will show the kid the truth.
He sees Buddy in the park and walks up to him and invites him to share a snack with him. Buddy sits down on the bench next to Joe. The two of them start talking and Joe gives buddy a drink in a portable cup.

"Thanks, what's this?"

"Ah buddy that's a Monster drink, enjoy." Joe knows that Buddy's mom doesn't want him drinking energy drinks so this is a special treat. "When we are done, how about I take you for a ride and drop you at home later?"

"Where will we go?" Buddy asks taking a sip of his drink.

"I can take you to that clinic Bridercare that your mom won't take you to. That way you can ask all the questions that your mom won't let you ask. Maybe get some fliers or something."
"Oh, wow man, I ain't sure I'm ready for that. Is it private? I mean, like do I have to give my name and stuff?"

"Nope, I checked. You can walk in and just get the info that you need and just walk out. It's a free clinic." Joe can hardly hold his excitement. It looks like this is gonna work. Fucken kids gonna get exactly what he needs.

"Ah maybe next time". Buddy says nervously.

"C'mon Buddy. I won't tell anyone and I will even take the back roads so no one will see you." Joe pleads.

"Oh ok â?" fuck it. Lets go" Buddy downs the rest of his energy drink and follows Joe to his car.
"Joe, this energy drink is making me feel funny. I though it was supposed to hop me up but I feel kinda weird."

"It's your first one, just give it a couple of minutes and you'll be running circles around me."
They both get into Joe's car and soon after Buddy is asleep.

Joe isn't really his friend. Bridercare is a real clinic. Most of my time is in research as was this chapter. Stay tuned for more!
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