General Poetry posted December 12, 2023

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The Little Things

by Claire Tennant

I could not stand him when he came my way
loud twangy accent on display
other men who won my heart
had mellifluous voices and were a part
of romance and giggling the learning curve
together he and I had our Lord to serve

Then he became an 'Aussie' brother
in a time of grief when we lost our mother
he knew the pain of extreme loss
and rarely showed me he was 'boss'
but when I required serious surgery
guess who travelled to visit me?

Then it was on for young and old
the timid creature now so bold
I smiled a lot and began to sing
accompanied by an engagement ring
then the vows so true and old
were sealed with a ring of gold

Ten years on we've had some storms
including the thunderclap at dawn
I awoke with a start
my darling played his part
of calmly comforting his terrified wife
I loved the moment it is part of life

God chose my wonderful mate
being in control of our fate
blow romance a la Hollywood
it's the little things that make love good

Love writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about something or someone you love.
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