Biographical Non-Fiction posted December 10, 2023 Chapters:  ...19 20 -21- 22... 

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The man the mask

A chapter in the book Spectre

Mr. D. Part 2

by Lea Tonin1

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

Set a new mortality Changing life's morality
Want it now can't you see Gratification family
Curtains draw old school dies
Values lost cantankerous lies
Empathy no earthly cries Love to search corporeal ties
Do not acknowledge this is so
The human side must not let go
Let the cleansing waters flow
Join the light for one grand show
Today I watched a snowfall. Big fat fluffy flakes. They waltz on the air drifting past one another slipping down like a feathers back and forth.
In rainforest country we generally have rain. But today, we had a big 1.5 inches of the white stuff and the whole city turned into a parking lot. 
I spent many years in the prairies.
It was ten months of winter and two months of summer, and the only way you could tell the two weeks of spring had arrived, was all the dead gophers on the road.
It was bone chilling cold in the winter there. Negative forty, and then we would get what's called a Chinook.  A warm spell from the south would envelope the city and create an atmospheric orange cap over it, and then it would be plus two again. Then it would deteriorate and the prairies returned to freezing cold.  So much so, you can't even pack a snowball.
The snow is so cold and the air is so cold, it wouldn't stick together. 
I'll take the rain forest country thanks.
It reminds me of how little we get of snow.  It was rather comical watching my dog play the ballerina and tip toe through the sticky white stuff. 
My trusty PC which has been putting up with all my BS, waits patiently knowing I will return soon.
It blinks as if it knows I won't leave until we've journeyed back again. The windows logo flashed shaking me from my reverie. I sat down.
Let's visit again...ok...right now....

Mr. D once again started forming words in what sounded like a tape recorder on fast forward. Mrs. D responded the same way and looked toward me again.

"He say, joo try to poison with bad chicken. He say I make joo come to live here so joo take some wife duties."

I couldn't help but glare at this man and say in no uncertain terms.

"Fuck that shit! You can stuff your wife duties! If you want that, you can go downtown!"

Then I thought, "Uh oh," as I watched his brown face turn black. "I might've made this worse."

He grabbed me by the collar of my nightshirt, scrunching the fabric in his fist as he pulled my face close to his. Sputtering and spitting, he was so angry.

He started talking in his language which I couldn't understand. His wife's voice rose in pitch as she waived her hands at him. He shoved me back in my seat and turned to his wife. He too waved his hands in the air. This action seemed to be required when they expressed themselves.

Mr. D stomped his foot and stormed into the living room while Mrs. D followed. 

Suddenly I was alone....

I could hear them bickering between themselves from the living room.  Voices rising and falling in the argument.  Mrs. D tried to de-escalate the situation with a calm voice. Mr. D seemingly wanted to exert control. 

I  looked around the kitchen for some kind of weapon. A rolling pin was lying almost within grasp. I was making a grab for it when the pair came back in the kitchen.

Mr. D caught me in the act. He immediately strode round the table, grabbed my upper arm in an iron grip and pulled me from my seat. He dragged me down the stairs while his wife tried to get him to let me go so, he back handed her.

I struggled, pulled and tried to pry his fingers from my arm.

He hauled me to the spare room downstairs where I put my clothes and, he tossed me in, immediately followed by his wife. We both tumbled to the floor.

The door quickly slammed behind us and a key turned the lock. I then heard Mr. D's feet stomp back up the stairs.

"What the hell is going on here?" I demanded. "He acts just like my stepdad! "This only ends badly you know this!" 

She waved her hands again trying to get me to quiet down.  "Shshsh". She said. "We must let him calm down. He will come back say sorry."

Bruises quickly formed on my upper forearm angry and purple. I wasn't feeling very forgiving at the time.

"We have to get out of here. You've got two kids up there!" 

"Joo have to wait longer if joo keep make noise." She snapped. 

She never snapped at me before, but I suppose she was under a lot of stress too... probably more.

"Joo will go soon. We can't go. Husband will do worse and family disown."

I understood the trap she was in and how small her world had become. If I had to wait, then I made use of my time.

I must try to change her mind. It could mean her life....

Or the lives of her children.

Well, it's very close to three am now. It's time to say goodnight to this chapter and share.  I'll continue tomorrow.
I still marvel at the wonderful support here at Fanstory. People can surprise you in a very real and compassionate way.  People full of wisdom and insight. It inspires me to be better than I am.
I have fine examples right here!  Thank you everyone and good night for now.
Because we do have to go back after all.
We can't leave her there in that dark room with Mrs. D....

This chapter is part of a trilogy. This is number 2 called Spectre. The first one is called Ghost. They both can be found in my portfolio if you wish to read. A word of caution, some chapters are hard to digest. Reader disrection is advised.
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