Mystery and Crime Fiction posted November 19, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
A Detective's family is threatened.

Cassie Is Missing

by Thesis

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.

I just arrived at the third homicide scene in as many days, when I received a call from Desk Sergeant O’Malley.
“Sullivan, Lt. Brown will be arriving at your location in five minutes. Be ready to move.”
Before I could question O’Malley as to why the Lieutenant was coming for me, he had already hung up. I sat in my unmarked unit, wondering what this was all about. My gut told me something was very wrong.
Lt. Brown’s driver pulled up next to my car. Lt. Brown told me to get in, so I hopped into the back seat. “What is going on LT? Did something happen to my family?”
“Your wife called our panic number crying hysterically. A Supervisor and four cars were dispatched to your house. They were able to determine that your wife could not find your daughter who was playing in the backyard with your dog and that she only found the dog, but it was dead. Your daughter is missing.”
I could not believe what I was hearing. My mind went blank. How could this happen? I remembered kissing her while she was safely sleeping in her bed with her constant companion Milo snuggled up against her. Uncontrollable tears began flowing from my eyes as the reality of someone at my house violating my daughter’s security infuriated me.
Lost in my thoughts, I did not realize that we had arrived at my house, where there were numerous cars and officers, along with the Crime Scene Unit already at work.
I exited the vehicle and ran up the front steps, through the open front door, to find my wife Sharon, who burst into tears when she saw me. “Jimmy, our baby is gone. How can this be happening? We must find her and bring her back home. Jimmy, promise me you will find her. Promise me!”
I answered her with a tight hug as she continued to sob on my shoulder. “We will find her Sharon, I promise. We will find her.”
Captain Linda Thompson walked through the doorway and made her way to Sharon and Jimmy. “I am so sorry that you are going through this nightmare. You have the full backing of the NYPD, and we will not quit until we find Cassie. Here is what I can tell you so far. I have ordered a full review of your arrest files for the last five years, and we are preparing a list of everyone who may have been released on parole or finished their sentences so we can determine if there is an easily identifiable person who may be targeting you. Lt. Brown will bring the files back here so you can review them and let us know who you think may have a grudge against you.”
“Thanks, Captain. I do not think Sharon should be alone right now.”
“I agree. You will get through this Sharon.”
“Thank you.”
“If you need anything, Jimmy just let me know.”
“Thanks, Captain.”
Before the Captain left the residence, Detectives from the Queens Detective Bureau, Major Crimes Unit, were already knocking on doors trying to determine if anyone in the immediate area saw anyone abduct Cassie. They were especially interested in those who had ring doorbells or other security cameras outside. Simultaneously, the Patrol Division was already at work reviewing the surveillance and red-light cameras in the general vicinity.
A Mobile Command Center arrived on the scene, which allowed Lt. Brown and the Major Crimes Detectives to access secured police records. Two hours later, boxes of files were delivered to the Command Center for them to cross reference arrests and release information on those Detective Sullivan arrested over the years.
After six hours of reviewing files with Jimmy, he identified eleven people who fit into the parameters of revenge candidates. Based on their current known addresses, these eleven people now lived in four Boroughs, and each Borough was contacted with the respective names and addresses of those individuals. Detectives were dispatched immediately to those locations to interview the suspects.
By the end of the day, the results of the contacts and interviews were compiled, but the results did not reveal any immediate hits, although there were three strong possibilities, especially since all three of these felons killed with knives, the same way their dog Milo was killed.
All three suspects were brought in for further questioning. While this was happening, a call came into the 114th Precinct on Astoria Boulevard for Jimmy Sullivan. The caller left a number, with a simple message that said, “Call me. You know I ain’t playin'.”
The call message was relayed to Lt. Brown who set up a call tracing line in the Command Center. Everything was set for Jimmy to make the call. Dialing the number, Jimmy was nervous, hoping he could control his temper and his emotions. It was answered on the third ring.
“Sullivan, this be brief. You put my brother in prison for twenty-five to life. So, now you are going to know what it feels like. You will never find her or me. I may just sell her and make some good money. Bye Bitch!” The call abruptly ended.
“Lt., was it able to be traced?”

“The call dropped, but we were able to narrow it down to the Bronx, then nothing.” 
“Wait, I remember two guys who I arrested and got 25 to life. They were both involved in the same case about four years ago. It was a gang drug operation, and they were convicted of first-degree murder for having other gang members kill a potential witness. We have been searching for the wrong guys. These killers used 9mm’s not knives. Their names are Sanchez and Garcia, so one of their brothers has Cassie.”
“I am going to call Captain Thompson and bring her up to speed. She will want to call the Bronx DA herself on this one. They can get information from their Gang Unit and save us a shitload of time.”
Captain Thompson made the call and within hours, the Gang Unit was able to narrow the search to Sanchez when they discovered Garcia only had three sisters.
The Bronx DA called the judge and obtained search warrants for Sanchez’s residence. Four agencies were assembled quickly to execute the warrant; the SWAT Team, FBI, Prosecutor’s Office, and the Major Crimes Unit. At 3 a.m. the no-knock warrant was executed.
The Teams breached the door and made entry swiftly and quietly. They made their way to the second-floor apartment stealthily, and after waiting for five minutes for signs of movement in the apartment, kicked in the door, immediately encountering four gang members in the living room, who were quickly neutralized as they reached for their weapons.
They had three more rooms that had to be cleared. Cautiously, they opened the first door which was a bathroom. No one was in it. Next, they tried to open another door, finding It locked. Kicking it in, seven shots rang out in quick succession, striking the first two officers through the door. Returning fire at the man in the bed, they neutralized him immediately. A naked woman was lying on the floor, with her hands up, pleading “Don’t shoot me.” 
She was asked, “Where is the girl?”
Before she could answer, someone from within the other bedroom began firing shots from an AR-15 through the sheetrock walls toward her and the officers. While those shots were fired, two of the SWAT Officers ran to the other bedroom door and made entry. They encountered a Pitbull who attacked and bit one of the Officers, while the other shot Sanchez in the arm as he was trying to reload the AR-15. He shot the other arm as Sanchez tried to aim his gun at the officer, then aimed his weapon at the Pitbull and fired one shot. 
Other Officers rushed the room and cuffed Sanchez, asking “Where is the girl?”
“The little Bitch is dead.” As they were dragging Sanchez through the hall, several others stayed in the bedroom and hallway. Removing his helmet, the SWAT Team Leader ordered four members of the Team to go search the basement of the building for any signs of Cassie.
He turned his head toward a very dull sound of something banging metal in the room that Sanchez was in. Whatever it was had stopped. He took two steps down the hall and heard the noise again, returning to the room. Dropping to his knees, he lifted the sheet hanging over the side of the bed and looked underneath. 
He was overwhelmed by what he saw.
“You are safe now, sweetheart. We are going to call your Mom and Dad to let them know you are okay. Would you like that?”
She nodded yes.
“Let me get you out of that cage.”
Cassie was crying and calling for her Mommy when the Officer freed her from her restraints.
He keyed his mike. “I found her. She is frightened but appears to be physically okay. I am taking her down to the Paramedics now. Call her parents. They can meet us at Montefiore Hospital.
Lt. Brown’s cell phone rang. Sharon Sullivan hugged Jimmy tightly, saying “Jimmy I’m really scared. What will we do if...”
“Thank you, Captain. We’re on our way.” 
Hanging up, he smiled. They found Cassie. She is alive and well. The Paramedics are taking her to Montefiore Hospital. Come with me. 
Getting in the car, the Lt. Told his driver, “Lights and Siren, Sergeant, we have a scared little girl who needs hugs from her parents.”

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