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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 29

by Bill Schott

Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
GED = clone who was dead then a zombie now dead again
Betty: = campaign manager
Lt. D'weir = homicide investigator
Sgt Linda Chin = desk sergeant
Patrolman Willy Killigan = beat cop
Hed O'deklas = clone keeper
Previously,  everyone was sent home except Betty , who has confessed to killing everyone. No one thinks that's true, so she was sent for psychological review and sent back. Ned was released but came back to see how Betty was doing. 

The scene opens at the police sergeant's desk with Sergeant Linda Chin, where she is speaking with Patrolman Willy Killigan.   
Chin : I hear you're seeing the PA from uptown.
Killigan :  She gets me.

Chin : So she laughed at your penguin joke.

Killigan : Yes, but she understood it.

Chin : It must be a different joke then. 

Killigan : No, she just understands the existentialist messaging. 
Chin : Tell it to me again.
Killigan : Two penguins were sitting  in a bathtub. One says to the other, "Pass me the soap."  The other one says, "What do I look like -- a radio?"
Chin : She gets that?
Killigan : No, she gets me.
Chin : See ya, Killer.
Officer Killigan departs, as Detective D'weir approaches.
Lt. D'weir: Why Sergeant Chin, how are you?
Chin : You seem cheery. 
Lt. D'weir: Bull has decided that this GED character is the killer and at large. 
Chin : There's already an APB out on him. What about the girl, Betty? She nuts?
Lt. D'weir: Inconclusive, so Bull is going to kick her too. 
Chin : What about the two in lock up; Felix Fine and Oscar Kilo or I think they call him Skar?
Lt. D'weir: Kick 'em all. We're concentrating on the clone. What that means is that the entire clone community will be under investigation. That includes this Skar dude. 
Chin : There's a community?
Lt. D'weir: I have seen one, talked to one, and I am on my way to Clones-R-Us right now to learn more. 
Chin : I would go with you, but then who would mind the desk?
Lt. D'weir: Who mines it when we're canoodling in the back? 
Chin : I put my [Back in a minute] sign out. 
Lt. D'weir: We have been back there a few times and all were quite a bit longer than a minute. 
Chin : Your point?
Lt. D'weir: Right; let's go. 
The sergeant and detective leave as Ned walks in and sees Betty wandering in from another direction.
Ned Hey, hey, Betty! How are ya?
BettyOh, Ned. I am a bit confused.
Ned Y'know, when I gets confusided, which is either never er a awful lot, I jis do the states. 
BettyThe states?
Ned Yeah. Pons taught me ta amember the states a these United States in ABC order. Then, when I gets loose in the head, I jis say 'em.
Ned Yup. Wanna try it?
Ned Now the first four all bestarts wit A. 
Betty: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas. 
Ned I cain't never think a the one what bestarts wit B, so I go ta C.
Betty(smiling) Good idea, Ned.
Ned Californee. Cool-a-raddo, Connect-a cut
Ned Yup. There's jis one D one, and there ain't no Eees.
Ned Yup, and then Georgia.
Betty: Hawaii?
Ned Yessir, yer good at this, Betty. 
BettyI feel better too, Ned.
Ned Wanna do more, er are ya deconfusided? 
BettyMore, Ned. Let's do more. 
Meanwhile, at Clones-R-Us.
Lt. D'weir: So, Mister O'deklas, what do you know about the clone involved in the recent grisly brain-eaten murders?
Hed :  Down at the old Big Boy place?
Chin : Yes, unless you know of some grisly brain-eaten murders somewhere else.
Hed :  I cannot discuss my clients' business.
Chin : So General Equivalency Dude is your client.
Lt. D'weir: Where's he hiding, O'deklas? 
Hed :  I have no idea, really.  Just in case you attain a warrant though, I want you to know I have another GED in the back.
Chin : Another GED!?
Both officers pull their weapons. 
Lt. D'weir: Take us to him -- NOW!
The three walk into another room where GED is sitting at a table with wires attached to his head.
Hed :  (to the clone) Hi, GED.
GED : (he gives a parade wave and speaks softly)  Hello.
To be continued...

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