General Poetry posted November 9, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
A comic tale of one girl's encounter with writer's block

Writus Interruptus

by Navada

Writers Block Contest Winner 

What was I writing about?




Here we go.

I’ve got it.

It’s coming …





I just …

I had it …

It was right on the tip of my …






What’s that word?

It starts with a W.

I know it does.

Or … was it an M?

I get those mixed up sometimes.

One looks the same as the other – it’s just upside down.

It’s like b and d.

One looks the same as the other – it’s just backwards.

Have you ever noticed that?

Letters have patterns.




I just noticed something else.

Both “letters” and “patterns” have a double T.

That’s weird.




What was I writing about?




Can’t quite … remember …

It was right on the tip of my …




Hang on.

Was it seagulls?

Yes!  It was seagulls!

Well done!




Now …

what were the seagulls doing?




Um …




Was I writing about …

what it must be like to feel free

when soaring far above the sea?

Or …

what seagulls sound like

when they’re cawing raucously in a pack?

(“Mine!  Mine!  Mine!”)

Or …

how mischievous seagulls behave

when they’re stealing hot chips?




I can’t remember.




I do remember the time

that mangy seagull with one leg

stole our hot chips at a picnic

and pooped all over my mother’s handbag.


Everyone found that hilarious.

Except Mum.




This isn’t helping …




Come on.

Get your mind on the job!




Now …

What was I writing about?








Oh, hi, Jade!

What’s that?

Yes, I’d love to meet you for lunch!

See you at twelve!






(laptop lid slams shut)

Writing Prompt
Write a poem about writers block- an occasion, the feeling, or maybe an experienced breakthrough! Poems can be serious or humorous. Whatever your pens desire.

Writers Block
Contest Winner



For the uninitiated, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" is a quote from the movie Finding Nemo.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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