General Poetry posted November 8, 2023

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It is how I like to remember it LOL

Been There Done That

by Claire Tennant

When the idea is sitting in the back pew

and the words refuse to obey you

when said idea does not meet the rules

and you feel like the dopiest child at school

even when taking a little break

to give your mind a rest and shake

changing mental attire like a frock

that is how I control Writer’s block

I’m not happy I confess

of patience I was never blessed

it irritates me beyond belief

leaves me shaking like a leaf

as an old boss used to say

do something else, leave it today

refresh your mind you are in shock

the biggest failure is writer’s block

Often if I leave well alone

another idea has fully grown

and words are itching to spend

time on paper as with a friend

no matter the complexity

for it no longer worries me

the finished product is a pleasure

I relax beyond measure

Writers Block writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about writers block- an occasion, the feeling, or maybe an experienced breakthrough! Poems can be serious or humorous. Whatever your pens desire.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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