General Poetry posted November 8, 2023

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It will come naturally!

Let It Flow

by Kristen Rose Ulrich

As a writer, there comes a block that I despise,
It’s when nothing comes to mind that is wise,
Of the topics that there are, I search and search,
But like the tales of Dr. Suess, I am left in a lurch,
Contest prompts leave me with more things to say,
But when these prompts don’t tickle my fancy, I am left in dismay,
So if you are searching for a poem to write,
Don’t let your head get tight,
Let the words flow naturally from your purest thought,
Writer’s block is easily beaten when the topic is not sought. 

Writers Block writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about writers block- an occasion, the feeling, or maybe an experienced breakthrough! Poems can be serious or humorous. Whatever your pens desire.
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