General Script posted October 24, 2023 Chapters:  ...25 26 -27- 28... 

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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 27

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful

Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)

Skar = Pons' clone and campaign worker

Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash

MauMau= media coordinator

Betty: = campaign manager

AA (Abecedari Ann) = Poet Laureate

Fox Fine: Detective

Felix Fine: Detective

Lori = Fox's girlfriend

Lowell Wrent = Fox News reporter

Sven Ghali: Psychologist

Bull Schlitz = Police Inspector

Lt. D'weir = homicide investigator

Sgt Linda Chin = desk sergeant

Patrolman Willy Killigan = beat cop


Previously,  Loralie DeSilva, Ned, Pons, Fox Fine, and Abecedari Ann were cleared and released by police as suspects in the murders of both Zora Abebe and Abracada Brah. Betty Biggins and MauMau will see a psychologist for different reasons. Skar and Felix Fine are behind bars, and Fox Fine has learned he is a clone.

The scene opens in the homicide office where Inspector Schlitz and Lt. D'weir discuss the state of the investigation along with Sergeant Chin. 

Chin : I am totally confused and could use some filling in. 

Lt. D'weir: (grinning) I have a funny response to that statement. 

Chin : Funny, or career ending? 

Lt. D'weir: (still grinning) Let me catch you up.

Bull : This should be funny. 

Lt. D'weir: Loralie DeSilva and Zora Abebe were both trying to establish a third party to run for President. Eventually Abebe capitulated to DeSilva and joined her campaign. Somehow Ned Nuckledd was asked to run as VP. His clone, GED, was also asked to be a worker. 

Chin : This is the missing guy? The one MauMau said was a demon.

Lt. D'weir: Makes you want to sell off your clone stock; right?

Bull : Proceed, Weirdo. 

Lt. D'weir: LorDee, as DeSilva is known, has a campaign manager, Betty Biggins, and a poet laureate, Abecedari Ann. 

Bull :I've got Betty Boop and BowWow talkin' to Doc Geewhiz.

Chin : Doc Geewhiz?

Lt. D'weir:  Doctor Ghali. You know -- Golly.

Chin : The psychiatrist?

Lt. D'weir:  Psychologist.

Chin : Okay, so he's not the hot dog vendor.

Lt. D'weir: (grinning) I have a funny response to THAT statement. 

Chin : (shaking her head slowly) Can we go on?

Bull :Yes, for Pete's sake, Weirdo; chase skirts on your own time. 

Lt. D'weir: So, MauMau and Abracada Brah worked for Zora Abebe. Two of them are homicide victims and the third is a survivor of an attack from, if MauMau is to be believed, Ned Nuckledd's clone, GED.  

Chin : Who is currently the subject of an all-points-bulletin. 

Lt. D'weir: The rest are Pons Maninoff, his clone Skar, the twin detective cousins Fox and Felix Fine, and, I guess, Lowell Wrent. 

Chin : The Fox News reporter?

Meanwhile, in the office of Dr. Sven Ghali...

Lowell:  Thanks for this access, Sven. 

Sven:  No sweat, Lowell. We Yale grads need to stick up for each other. 

Lowell:  Right - ha ha ha - you bet. It was child's play hacking the Yale archives and getting us both doctorates. 

Sven:  Okay, so today you are Dr. Wrent and we are going to be be talking to both Betty Biggins and, later, MauMau. 

Lowell:  I'll need to wear a disguise. I have met both of these people. 

Sven:  Here's a pair of glasses with a fake nose and mustache attached. 

Lowell:  Do you have a hat I can wear?

Sven:  You can wear my orange derby from Hed's Hat-n-Hand. 

Lowell:  Niiiiice!

 To be continued...

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