General Poetry posted October 18, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Hatred is never the answer.

What Then

by Douglas Goff

3 Words In A Poem Contest Winner 

What then?

When it becomes acceptable for disgraceful men to murder and rape women and children under the guise of political strife. 

What then? 

When it becomes appropriate to act like an animal if it suits your cause.

What then?

When the blanket is pulled back exposing the ant-Semitic horror staining the world. 

What then? 

When memories have grown short concerning the ovens, camps, and atrocities of the Nazis. 

What then?

When it becomes okay to genocide a people that don’t share your beliefs.

What then?

When facts and evidence contrary to your goals are ignored.

What then? 

When there are no more safe places for your flamboyant pompous opinionated speeches. 

What then?

When the focus of evil turns on you and your group and you have shamed away all of the good people who stood and protected you.  

What then? 

When they enslave you and refuse to educate you because of your gender.

What then? 

When they throw you from buildings because of your sexual preferences.

What then?

When you’ve squandered away all of your religious, speech, voting, and defense freedoms.

What then?

When nobody is left to tend to your misery and heed to your arrogant nonsense? 

What then?

When the horrendous mantra 'By Any Means Necessary' becomes an acceptable moral compass guiding your actions. 

What then, indeed.  

Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type. These three words must be included in the poem: animal - horror - short

3 Words In A Poem
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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