Biographical Non-Fiction posted October 11, 2023

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These are the days that will be missed.

Precious Moments

by Douglas Goff

A Typical Day Contest Winner 

I’m 192 miles from home, working midnights in Kalamazoo, guarding a factory that received an active-shooter threat. 

7:12 PM RING! “Hello Dad? I can’t find the cat. Oh, can I eat the last donut? Mom said I could."

8:13 PM RING! “Honey? There’s a wet spot on the ceiling. The roof may be leaking. Oh, Ryker said you gave him the last donut?"

9:21 PM RING!  “Hello, Dad? My BFFN (Best Friend For Now) just called and told me she’s mad at me. Oh yeah, Ryker ate my donut."

10:00 PM Ring!  “Goodnight, Dad!  Goodnight, Dad! Goodnight, Honey!”

Precious moments.  

Writing Prompt
In 100 words, or less, describe a typical day in your life. You can embellish a bit--for entertainment purposes--but try to keep it as factual as possible. Show us what it's like to walk in your shoes. Have fun with it!

A Typical Day
Contest Winner

This is nearly a word for word excerpt from last evening.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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