General Script posted October 11, 2023 Chapters:  ...19 20 -21- 22... 

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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 21

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
Skar  = Pons' clone and campaign worker
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= media coordinator
Betty: = campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  =  Poet Laureate 
Fox Fine: Detective
Felix Fine: Detective
Lowell Wrent = Fox News reporter
Bull Schlitz = Police Inspector
Lt. D'weir = homicide investigator
Zombie GED: = brain eater
Previously,   Zombie GED claimed Zora as his latest victim. The police, private detectives, all others are called together to respond to this emergency. 
The scene opens with all characters formed at center with the two police officers on the left and everyone else on the right.
LorDee :   What is happening!
Lowell : Zora! She's been murdered!
Bull :  (holding his arms wide and talking to everyone) We need all people accounted for right now.  Fine! (talking to Fox Fine) I need you to accomplish this right away.
Fox : (to Bull) On it Inspector.
Felix : I need to help.
Fox : This is serious, Felix. 
Felix : I want to help. I had a thing for that Nubian Queen. 
Bull steps up talking on his flip phone.
Bull : (to phone)  I will get this done here. Keep the rest going. (then to Felix Fine) I want you over here with me. 
Fox : What do you need, Inspector?
Bull : Felix! Here!
Felix : How can I help, Bull?
Bull : Inspector.
Felix : No, you're the Inspector. I'm Felix Fine.
The inspector looks at Fox.
Bull : Take Ms. DeSilva, Ned Nucklehead, and Soupy Sales here over to that office. 
Fox : That's Nuckledd. 
Felix :   Am I Soupy Sales? 
Bull : They're all suspects.
Fox : Why is my cousin a suspect. We're helping you.
Bull ignores him and he turns towards the area where the body was found. From that direction appears Lt. D'weir.
Lt. D'weir:  I have photos of the two victims, before and after, and one of the missing guy. 
Bull looks at the photographs, especially one.
Bull : This guy ain't missing. He's standing over there with the others. 
Bull and D'weir move across to the office where his primary suspects are waiting. There he sees LorDee and Felix, but walks pass them to Ned.
Bull : You're the guy we're looking for.  (shows the photograph to Ned)
Ned : Nope, Expector, that ain't me. 
Bull : I suppose he's your cousin.
Felix :   Cousins, identical cousins la la laa.
Bull ignores Felix and stares at Ned. 
Ned : That there is GED. He's my cologne.
LorDee :  (chiming in)  GED is Ned's clone. 
Lt. D'weirClone? We can do that now?
Ned :   Yep. Me 'n Pons both a us gots colognes.
LorDee interupts.
LorDee Why am I a suspect in this investigation, 
Lt. D'weirWe have learned that Zora Abebe was planning on scuttling your campaign and running her own  -- without you. 
LorDee Ridiculous!
Lt. D'weir:  Wasn't GED going to actually be your running mate after you ditched Ned?
Ned :   Ditched who?
Bull : Wasn't Abracada Brah Zora's dirty tricks guy? Now they are both dead. Forensics says GED's fingerprints are all over both bodies. 
Felix rushes over to confront LorDee.
Felix :   You killed my future wife?!
To be continued...

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