General Script posted October 9, 2023 Chapters:  ...18 19 -20- 21... 

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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 20

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
Zora Abebe = when elected, will be THE Supreme Court
Skar  = Pons' clone and campaign worker
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= media coordinator
Betty: = campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  =  Poet Laureate 
Fox Fine: Detective
Felix Fine: Detective
Lowell Wrent = Fox News reporter
Bull Schlitz = Police Inspector
Lt. D'weir = homicide investigator
Zombie GED: = brain eater
Previously,  Fox News reporter, Lowell Wrent, interviewed LorDee and Zora about the unusual happenings at the campaign center.  Zombie GED killed AB and ate his brains.
Finding the corpse, the private detectives try to establish where everyone was, and the homicide squad is called in. 
The scene opens with Fox and Felix Fine standing over the remains of Abracada Brah, while meeting the police investigators, Inspector Bull Schlitz and Lt. D'weir.
Fox :  (standing with Felix on the right of the body) This is the victim. 
Bull :  (simply stares at Fox before shifting his gaze to Felix, then addresses Lt. D'weir) Weirdo, get the lab to work.
The lieutenant steps away while pulling out his phone. 
Fox : (to Bull) We think he was killed between two and three a.m.
Bull : How did you figure that out?
Felix: He had brains before two.
Bull looks at Felix again without comment. 
Bull : (to Fox)  Who found the body?
Fox : Ned Nuckledd and Betty Biggins. 
Bull : Get 'em.
Felix: I don't work for you, Inspector. 
The inspector reaches into his inner breast pocket and pulls out a flip phone.
Bull : (into the older cell phone)  Weirdo, find Ned Knucklehead and Betty Big Guns.
Fox : That's Nuckledd and Biggins, Inspector. 
Inspector Schlitz looks silently at Fox and Felix as he replaces his cell phone in his jacket. 
Bull : You two brothers?
Felix: (begins singing the Patty Duke Show theme) We're cou----sins, identical cousins and you'll find, we walk alike and talk ali--
Fox : Shut up, Felix. We're cousins, Inspector. 
Bull : From here on, all your input goes through Lieutenant D'weir.
The insector turns and walks away.  Fox turns to Felix.
Fox : You are a total screw up.
Felix: That's what you are; what am I?
Elsewhere, LorDee and Lowell Wrent are standing both sides of Lt. D'weir.
Lt. D'weir:  Mrs. Desilva, how long have you known the deceased?
LorDee:  I did not actually know him well. He was a fixture of Zora Abebe's campaign.
Lowell : Hello, Lt. D'weir; they call you Weirdo, right?
Lt. D'weir:  Perhaps, with their old teeth.
Lowell steps away quickly.
LorDee:   By the way, I am not married. You may call me Ms. DeSilva, or LorDee.
Lt. D'weir:  Thank you, LorDee. I want you to know that you are the prime suspect in this case.
LorDee:   (totally taken aback)  What!? Me!? 
Suddenly, a man's scream comes from off stage. Lowell Wrent rushes in from stage right to the center with LorDee and D'weir. He is gasping for breath.
Lt. D'weir:  What is it?!  Why did you scream?!
Lowell : Zora! Zora Abebe! 
From stage left, Ned, Betty, Pons, AA, Skar and MauMau quickly scurry in.
LorDee:   (to Lowell)  What's wrong! What about Zora! 
From stage right, Fox and Felix Fine enter followed by Inspector Schlitz.  
Bull : Weirdo! Close all the exits! Block off four square blocks immediately! I want the coroner here ten minutes ago!
Lt. D'weir:  Check. (steps off talking on his phone)
LorDee:   What is happening!
Lowell : Zora! She's been murdered!
To be continued...

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