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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 18

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
Zora Abebe = when elected, will be THE Supreme Court
Skar  = Pons' clone and campaign worker
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= media coordinator
AB  (Abracada Brah)  =  Dirty Tricks Coordinator
Betty: = campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  =  Poet Laureate 
Fox Fine: Detective
Felix Fine: Detective
Lowell Wrent = Fox News reporter
D-red: = Agent of Death for insects and vermin. 
Zombie GED: = as you would imagine
Previously,  Fox News reporter, Lowell Wrent, interviewed LorDee, Zora, and AB briefly. The detectives, Fox and Felix Fine are narrowing down who might know where GED has gone.  Pons, AA, AB, and Betty plan to create a joint poem.
The scene opens with Lowell Wrent interviewing MauMau and Betty together.
Lowell :  (across from MauMand Betty)  As campaign managers, what do you each feel you contribute to the eventual success of the DeSilva Presidential campaign?
MauMau:  I called you for one, and then I have experience dealing with people on various levels of sobriety. 
Lowell : Sobriety?
MauMau: I was a bouncer. Also, I wrestled on the mid-Atlantic circuit. 
Lowell :  I do not imagine you get much guff from people here.
MauMau:  You'd be surprised. Some of these clowns have no idea how close they come to death each day.
Lowell :  Are you a time bomb, MauMau?
Betty:  (interrupting) MauMau is a vital member of the LorDee Campaign, Mr. Wrent. 
Lowell :  So, are you a wrestler as well, Miss - uh - Biggins?
Betty:  Of course not, Mr. Wrent. I am a people mover and party planner. Organizing this campaign falls right into my skill set. 
Lowell :  You seem to be on task, as the word is definitely out that this third pary campaign is a legitimate endeavor. 
MauMau:  We are legit!
Betty:  We are legit!
Meanwhile, in a dark corner of the campaign center, two figures appear. One is D-red and the other ---Zombie GED.
D-red: Here we are, Ziggity.
Zombie GED:  Aarrgh !!
D-red: What? You don't like that name? 
Zombie GED:  Aarrgh !!
D-red:  Don't worry your rotting little head about it, Dude. No one is going to call you that here. 
Zombie GED:  Aarrgh !!
D-red: To be sure. They will run from you like mice from Velveta.
Zombie GED: Aarrgh !!
D-red: Why did I bring you? Well, I happen to know this whole side of the building is infested with termites. The pesticide company will be rolling in here any time to hose those suckers down. 
Zombie GED:  Aarrgh !!
D-red: Yes, I live a charmed death. Now, off with you, Ziggity. 
Zombie GED:   Aarrgh !!
D-red: Sorry.  I will simply call you Brains. I will call you brains because -- you are what you eat. 
Zombie GED:   Brains !!
D-red:  Ohhh Yeahhh!! By Jove, I think he's got it!
Zombie GED:   Brains !!
D-red:  Go find your friends, Brains.
Zombie GED:   Brains !!
Meanwhile, back at the interview area...
Lowell: So. Pons Maninoff. This is old hat for you by now. I recall you once began a campaign but eventually turned it over to that knucklehead Ned. 

Pons: His name is Ned Nuckledd, Mr. Wrent. You will need to get that right before he becomes the Vice President of these United States. 
Skar: You know, I was supposed to be in Ned's shoes. 
Lowell: Only one pair between you?
Skar: What? Don't even tell me you're making fun of ME. You're making fun of ME ?!
Pons: Calm down, Skar.
Lowell: I must warn you, I am a black belt.
Skar: I will make you into a belt, Wrent!
Pons: Let it go, dude.
Lowell: Yes, YOU would have made a fine VP.
D-red walks by snickering. He continues across to the other side where AB sits talking to himself. D-red pauses and continues past AB and out of the scene. AB sits talking to himself.
AB: Should I kill everyone, or almost eveyone?  Why are you asking me? I'm not asking you. Well I'm the only one here. I was just thinking out loud. So, should you kill everyone or almost everyone? That's a no-brainer. 
From out of the darkness, Zombie GED lurches forward and grabs AB out of the chair and drags him back into the darkness. There are the muffled cries of AB, and a sudden muted crack. Then, there is a sound like a melon being pulled apart, followed by gurgling. Ripping and sloshing sounds lead finally to a low but forceful utterance, which sounds mournful.  BRAINS!!
To be continued...

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