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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 16

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
Zora Abebe = when elected, will be THE Supreme Court
Skar  = Pons' clone and campaign worker
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= media coordinator
AB  (Abracada Brah)  =  Dirty Tricks Coordinator
Betty: = campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  =  Poet Laureate 
Fox Fine: Detective
Felix Fine: Detective
Lowell Wrent = Fox News reporter
Previously, detectives Fox and Felix Fine arrived to investigate GED's disappearance.  GED has actually died and is in Post Park playing chess with D-red. MauMau has scheduled an interview for  LorDee with Fox News. 
The scene opens with LorDee, Ned, Zora, and Felix sitting down across from Fox reporter Lowell Wrent. 
Lowell :  (facing and speaking downstage as if to a television audience)  This is Lowell Wrent here today with the third world - uh - party candidate Loralie DeSilva and her running mate Ned Nuckledd.
Felix (to Zora) I thought you might be the running mate.
Zora : I will be the Supreme Court.
Felix How does that work?
Zora : Sorry, that is classified.
LorDee Hi, Lowell.
Ned Hey.
Lowell :  My research shows you are registered in all fifty states.
Ned I hear we're good in Canader and Mexicur too.
Lowell :  Really. So -- Ned, you are going to be the vice president?
Ned Yep. That is 'til LorDee gits 'peached er sassy-naitted; then I'll be yer Predsodent.
Meanwhile, in another part of the campaign center. Fox Fine speaks with Betty Biggins.
Fox: So, Miss Biggins, what do you know about the disappearance of GAD?
Betty: Gad? His name is pronounced Jed.  It's an acronym for General Equivalency Dude. 
Fox: Who would name their kid that?
Betty: He's a clone.
Fox: He's a what?
Meanwhile, in yet another part of the campaign center, Skar, Pons, MauMau, AB, and AA are comparing notes on what is going on in the campaign.  
Skar :  Man, I keep dropping lower in the barnyard here.
Pons : So, you're no longer a VP candidate? 
Skar :  Zora is now planning on becoming the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
MauMau: I will be the President of Defense.
Betty: Secretary of Defense?
MauMau: I'm not going to be anyone's secretary.  You be a secretary.
AB  :  It's just what it's called, man.
Pons : The Brits call it Minister of Defense.
MauMau: I'm no preacher either.
Skar :  I might be the Secretary of State.
MauMau: Just a state?  Which state? 
Skar : (smirking)  Alaska, MauMau. I will be the Secretary of Alaska. 
AA :  Does anyone have any idea where GED went?
AB  :  Ned was missing, then he returned and GED was missing. 
Pons : Like they changed places.
AA :  Did you see the detectives? I wonder if one is the clone of the other.
Betty: Ned said they are twins.
AB  :  My guess is that one is a Martian, and the other its look-a-like android.
MauMau: Well sure, but which is which?
AA :  I feel a poem coming on.
Pons : Let's make up a joint poem that we all contribute to.
AA :  Or -- (makes a gesture with her head for them to leave)
Pons smiles and the two sneak away.
To be continued...

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