Writing Non-Fiction posted September 27, 2023 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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The Colorization Of Comics

A chapter in the book Funny Pages

Sunday Supplement

by Brett Matthew West

(NOTE: The postings in this series about comics intentionally kept short. Enjoy!)

Beginning in the 1880's, newspapers had published what became known as proto-comic strips. They also published editorial cartoons. Something new occurred on November 18, 1894. That was the first time a Sunday comic section was published in color by the New York World newspaper. This unique act also created an enormous leap in the sales of newspapers.

Back in those days even small towns produced multiple newspapers. The Sunday supplement became a huge factor in the competition to sell them. Before color comics came along, most newspapers were either thrown away or used for fish wrappings.

These Sunday supplements were chocked full of things for kids and the popular family-friendly comic strips of the day. They also provided an opportunity to create a new part of popular culture that never existed previously.

And, that is how the colorization of comics began.

(Next Time: Mutt and Jeff - how comics went daily)


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