General Script posted September 27, 2023 Chapters:  ...13 14 -15- 16... 

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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 15

by Bill Schott

LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
Zora Abebe = when elected, will be THE Supreme Court
Skar  = Pons' clone and campaign worker
Pons Maninoff = keeps Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= media coordinator
AB  (Abracada Brah)  =  Dirty Tricks Coordinator
Betty: = campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  =  Poet Laureate 
Fox Fine: Detective
Felix Fine: Detective
Previously, Pons secured a bunch of pool noodles for the staff to get out their aggressions on each other safely. Ned has returned from his near-death experience, but GED was taken instead. He is only presumed to be missing. 
The scene opens with all the characters standing around with pool noodles.  Two men enter from the left. They seem identical though one is in a business suit and the other dressed in sweat pants and a hoodie.
LorDee : (to the two arrivals)  Are you two the detectives from Fine Investigations?
Fox : Yes. I am Fox Fine and this is Felix.
LorDee You look like twins.
Felix : Wow, you're pretty sharp. Wanna job at a detective agency?
LorDee : I'm running for president.
Felix: Well, maybe on the weekends. 
MauMau steps up to speak to LorDee standing in front of Fox and Felix Fine.
MauMau: I have arranged an interview with Fox.
Fox : I don't know this guy, Ma'am. I talked with a woman named Betty Biggins. 
Felix: Yeah, is she available? Is she cute?
MauMau: I meant Fox News, not these fools.
Zora steps up.
Zora:  When is our interview with Fox?
Fox : We can begin now.
Zora:  I meant Fox News.
Felix: My name's Felix. I' m news. 
Zora:  Aren't you a detective? I could be a suspect.
Felix : Really? What should I suspect you of  -- uh -- lady?
ZoraI am Zora Abebe.
Felix : That's my new girlfriend's name.
ZoraYou have a girl friend named Zora?
Felix : Are you asking me or telling me?
Betty walks up to LorDee.
Betty: I have arranged an interview with Fox.
Fox : There's a familiar voice.  
Betty: You must be Fox. 
Fox : Right. So, you have a missing person?
Ned walks up to Fox.
Ned :  Hey! I thunk I knowd who you was. You was at Cousin Hed's Hat Store.
Fox : Fred, right?
Ned :  Nope. His name really is Hed. 
Meanwhile, Zora and Felix are across the scene to the far right kissing in the corner.
ZoraAre you going to ask me any questions?
Felix : Sure. So, is this blouse felt?
Zora giggles and the two continue kissing.
Fox : Led?
Ned Nope. 
Fox : Med?
Ned Nope. 
Fox : Ned?
Ned Nope -- uh -- I mean -- yup.
Fox : Great. Okay, Ned. Who's missing?
Ned It's my clone, GED.
Fox stares at Ned for a moment. Then he looks to Betty.
Betty: Yes, it's his clone. His name is GED. 
To be continued...

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