General Script posted September 21, 2023 Chapters:  ...11 12 -13- 14... 

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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 13

by Bill Schott

Zora Abebe = Presidential hopeful
Skar  = Pons' clone and Vice Presidential hopeful (with Zora)
Pons Maninoff = keeping Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= Zora's campaign manager
AB  (Abracada Brah)  = Zora's Dirty Tricks Coordinator
LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopeful
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee))
GED:  = Ned's clone
Betty: = LorDee's campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  = LorDee's Third Party Poet Laureate 
Previously, Skar and AB were detained by the sheriff's department. Betty Biggins and Pons have made great strides towards establishing the third party across the nation. MauMau is supposedly concentrating on media exposure.  Ned has once again cheated death, while he and Betty grow closer.  AA and Pons are attracted to each other.  AB was manhandled by Betty and D-red has found he can affect moods negatively. 
The scene opens with Skar, AB, and the Big Boy statue behind bars at the county jail. The deputy and is on the phone, which is attached to the wall.

Skar: (
to deputy) Hey, Screw! When are we getting out of here? 
AB: He's not a prison guard, Dummy. He's the county sheriff's deputy.
Skar: He's out jailer, sailor. 
AB: Why are you trying to be such a badass? 
SkarThe idea is to get them to want to kick us free. 
Deputy: (into the phone) That's right, Uncle Clay, uh, Sheriff. There are three of them. 
AB: (overhearing) Skar. He's including the Big Boy as being under arrest.
SkarGood. Now we know what kind of brainpower we're up against. 
Deputy: The passenger says he was just catching a ride. The driver won't talk. Oh, and there was another person in the trunk. 
AB: I should have you arrested for kidnapping.
Skar: Hold out for murder.
Deputy: (into the phone) Okay, Unc - ah - Sheriff.  (hangs up and turns to the cell) You two can go, but the driver will have to stay, along with the car.
AB: How are we supposed to get home?
Skar: We'll ask at the impound lot, bruh. Deputy, I see you're short-handed; let me take the car to the lot myself. 
Deputy: Great.  Thanks.
AB: I suggest we disappear and leave the statue here. 
SkarWow! Great idea. Hey, let's take the car too.
AB: Are you mocking me?
Skar: Are you asking me or life?
Meanwhile, in GED's car.
Zora : I'm not sure what got into me, GED.
GED   :  Do you mean when you asked me for a ride and then seduced me in the car?
Zora : No, not that. When I spoke unkindly to you.
GED : Oh, that. I actually liked it. Sent a chill up my spine.
Zora : You  -- have a spine?
GED : I love this!
Meanwhile, in Pons' car.
AA   :  You are quite the kisser, Pons.
Pons :  I hope I have inspired a poem.
AA   :  Certainly a bawdy senryu.
Pons : Is that one of those one-hundred stanza epic poems?
AA   :  Seventeen.
Pons :  Stanzas?
AA   :  No.
Pons :  Lines?
AA   :  No.
Pons :  Words?
AA   :  Syllables.
Pons :  Hah. Well, that's -- 
AA   :  Half the punctuation would be exclamation points.
Pons :  THAT'S what I'm talking about!
Meanwhile, in the campaign center.
LorDee:  (to MauMau)  Does anyone still work here.
MauMau: There're two custodians playing beer-can shuffleboard with push brooms. 
LorDee: I mean our staff. Where are they?
Betty steps up
Betty: Have either of you seen Ned?
Ned steps up.
LorDee: I hope he is doing something vice presidential.
Ned : Hey, folks.
Betty: (to MauMau) MauMau, have you seen Ned?
Ned : Right cheer. Miss Betty.
MauMau: I saw him earlier in the day. He was shivering and babbling incoherently.
Betty: What was wrong with him?
MauMau: Didn't I just say he was shivering and babbling incoherently.
Ned : Can't yall hear me? Can't ya see me? 
To be continued...

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