General Script posted September 16, 2023 Chapters:  ...9 10 -11- 12... 

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a scene with Pons and Ned

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 11

by Bill Schott

Zora Abebe = Presidential hopeful
Skar  = Pons' clone and Vice Presidential hopeful (with Zora)
Pons Maninoff = keeping Skar on a short leash 
MauMau= Zora's campaign manager
AB  (Abracada Brah)  = Zora's Dirty Tricks Coordinator
LorDee (Loralie DeSilva) = Presidential hopefulj
Ned Nuckledd = Vice Presidential hopeful (with LorDee)
GED:  = Ned's clone
Betty: = LorDee's campaign manager
AA  (Abecedari Ann)  = LorDee's Third Party Poet Laureate 
Previously, Loralie DeSilva (LorDee) put Betty Biggins to work on getting the candidate qualified to run for the Presidency. Pons stepped up to coordinate other states, while MauMau concentrated on media exposure.  
Ned is seeing Betty Biggins, who has already stood up for Ned and confronted AB. She gave Ned a quick kiss. 
Skar and AB argued about plans to ride with the Big Boy character in the HOV lane. 
The scene opens with Skar driving a car with a life-size Big Boy statue in the passenger seat.  The windshield is invisible and the two figures face forward.
Skar: (to BigBoyThis was a great idea, BB. Glad you talked me into it.
BB: (Skar speaking for the statue) Shuah, Ponsclone.
Skar: What did you call me?
BB: Ponsclone. Ain't chu Pon's clone?
Skar: Maybe so, but I am myself. I am not accepting that shortsighted description. 
BB: Some see you as a knockoff. 
Skar: Who? Who sees me as a knockoff?
BB: You are a cheap imitation of Pons.
Skar: Pons is a Model A and I'm a Mustang.
BB: More like Pons is a Nash Rambler and you are an AMC Gremlin.
Skar: I might leave you by the side of the road.
BB: You need me, Oscar. 
SkarDo not call me that. 
BB: It's your name. Well, actually your name is OK. Then someone thought it should stand for something. Oscar Kilo was assigned. 
Skar: Why are you telling me my story? 
BB: I am a beautiful porcelain statue, Ponsclone. I can't talk and am not living. So, the question is, Why are you telling you your story? 
Skar: You know why.
BB: Beautiful porcelain statue.
Skar: I think I may be losing my mind.
BB: It's because of what they had to do to make the cloning process work.
Skar: What do you mean?
BB: They had to use frog DNA to fill in the chain.
Skar: That's Jurassic Park.
BB: They accidentally dropped alcohol in your test tube.
Skar: That's Brave New World.
BB: Do you hear thumping and a muffled voice.
Skar: I'm not that far gone yet.
BB: No, really. I think I hear something.
Skar: Oh, yeah, that's Abracada Brah. He's in the trunk.
A siren is heard with police car lights in the back somewhere. Skar pulls over and switches places with the statue, placing it behind the steering wheel. 
Meanwhile, back at the campaign center.
Betty: (to LorDee) I predict that by the end of the next week we will have all fifty states up and running.
LorDee : What about Canada and Mexico?
Betty: They are not a part of the United States, Your Majesty.
LorDee  Not yet.
Across the scene to MauMau and Pons.
Pons : (to MauMau) I have Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas done. How about you?
MauMau: Quebec and Tiajuana are in the bag.
Pons : (staring for a moment at MauMau) Great. Tell you what, Mauz. How about you try to get the folks on the space staion and I'll work on Oz and Lilliput.
MauMau nods and walks off. Zora steps up with Abecedari Ann.
Zora : Are we ahead in the polls?
Pons : There are no polls. The election is more than a year away.
AA   :  Three hundred and sixty-five days, 
             then things will really get craze
Zora : Is that supposed to be poetry, Betty?
Pons : This is actually --
Zora : Polls, GED.
AA   :  This is actually --
Zora : This is serious people. I cannot stand here and exchange niceties with groundlings. 
Pons : Groundlings?
Zora : Little people.
AA   :  There once was a woman named Zora,
            who failed at all basic decora;
            her comments diminished,
            our loyalty finished;
            we simply won't take any mora.
Zora : That's a bit better, Betty.
Zora steps off when GED walks by and they both exit to the left. 
Pons : Well, ha ha, Betty; that was enlightening.
AA   :  I am totally gobsmacked.
Pons : Would you like to have lunch with me. 
AA   :  Does lunch mean to make out in your car?
Pons : Just for you.
Meanwhile, Ned appears, at the bottom row of a set of bleachers. He has a blanket pulled over his shoulders and seems to be shivering. 
Then, above him, on the top row, appears DED.
To be continued...

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