General Poetry posted August 31, 2023

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Please don't Wait

Tomorrow May Be Too Late

by Debi Pick Marquette

Emotions Contest Winner 

Say I Love you, don't hesitate
Tomorrow just may be too late

My little brother, youngest kid
He hurt us by some things he did
When he apologized to us
I'd heard before, so didn't trust

Say I Love you, communicate
Tomorrow just may be too late

My anger I would not let go
I loved him but I failed to show
Why did I not tell him that day
I let my pride get in my way

Say I love you, please don't test fate
Tomorrow just may be too late

Again we argued and rehashed
And when he left, his car he crashed
The love of thirty years we built
Now he is gone, I'm filled with guilt

Say I Love you, without debate
Tomorrow just may be too late

Dear God, I‘m still asking you now
Let Denny know, Lord please allow
 I'm sorry I did not forgive
 And with myself, it’s hard to live  

Say I Love you, and say it straight
Tomorrow just may be too late

It’s been now almost fifteen years  
Still many days, I’m filled with tears 
I would do almost anything 
To bring him back, and ease the sting 

Say I Love you, please don't wait
Tomorrow just may be too late

Writing Prompt
Pick an emotion and write a poem of any type.

Contest Winner


My emotions are obviously love, regret and guilt. Writing this brought it all back, but serves as a reminder to never let anger or hurt stand in the way of saying I love you.
The first line of each 2 line verse may be somewhat off meter but was necessary to get the message across
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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