General Poetry posted August 30, 2023

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Sorrow prior to matyrdom

Shall We Sing The Lord's Song?

by jim vecchio

On Babylon VIII, we sat and are weeping
The Blueskins  grabbed us while sleeping

Captives, they carried us away
And said, “Would you like to live today?”

They inflicted on us terrible scars
Upon learning we had no harps or guitars

“Listen to us, gentlemen of earth,
From you, we require mirth!”

“On our world, we are quite bored,
And mocked, Sing to us of your Lord!”

How shall we sing the lord’s song in a strAnge land?

We did not forget Thee,  Lord, nor are we running
If so, let our right hands forget their cunning

If, in your name, we would mock
May my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth

In Christ’s Blood we all did bathe
Remember us Lord as we die for our Faith

In your Name, we shall be destroyed
Remember your people on this asteroid

On Babylon VIII, we sat and are weeping

Emotions writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Pick an emotion and write a poem of any type.

The history of the Church is the history of the blood of matyrs. This is true in past, present, and future. This poem is based on the saddest Psalm ever written, PSALM137.God's people wept and would not sing The Lord's Song in a strange land.
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