General Poetry posted August 15, 2023

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An Even The Odds Poem

Pucker Up

by Debra White

up, strike a pose!
My little Yorkshire rose -
Wasn't she cute? Just five years old...
In style, she wore her messy waves of gold,
balancing outsized shades on her nose,
(very classy as it goes!)
with lips stuck out, in

Another day I remember like it was yesterday. I can't believe it was seven years ago! We'd been for a lovely walk along the river with the girls and had stopped at the pub for a glass of lemonade afterwards. Rebecca loved to wear my sunglasses and she was such a poser!

Thank you to Pam (respa) for introducing me to this poetic form.
This is an even the odds poem created by a former FanStory member, Y.M. Roger. The syllable count is 2,4,6,8,10,9,7,5,3,1. The first and last words are synonyms, and the poem is centered.
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