Spiritual Poetry posted August 13, 2023 Chapters:  ...23 24 -25- 26... 

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How our spirits move from hope to fear to salvation.

A chapter in the book Wonder

Return of Glory

by Michelle D. Carr


Your Spirit moves so deep within the soul.

Its waters flow to cover all heartache.

Our wordless questions answered makes us whole.

The Shepherd guards His lambs from all heartbreak.


Surround us with the wonder of Your love.

We hold on fast; our hearts soar up in praise. 

As You purpose, transform us from above.

Like fallen birds, we, by grace, you will raise.


Disbelieving dreams crept in and hearts burn.

Awakening, attached to fear, hope flew.

We cried out for the glory to return.

Let us know the wonder of all of You.


You heard the heart's prayer of desperation.

Love's answer is the promised salvation.


Spiritual writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type that is spiritual in nature.
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