Spiritual Poetry posted August 6, 2023 Chapters:  ...13 14 -15- 16... 

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The path temptation walks

A chapter in the book Wonder


by Michelle D. Carr

They come unbidden and approach with stealth.

Imaginings promise a perfect world.

Seduced by dreams of beauty, health and wealth,

the fabric of heart’s strength becomes unfurled.


Each walker strolls a path with temptation.

Fatigue of spirit slows the wanderer.

The caws of crows cry threats of damnation.

As soft low words flow from the squanderer.


The hungry heart confuses greed for need.

Satiety is costly and too brief.

The search begins again for a new deed,

which leaves the wanderer with no relief.


This place of danger will always exist.

The choices are surrender or resist.

Temptation Poetry Contest contest entry
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