General Poetry posted August 5, 2023 Chapters: -1- 2... 

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HAIBUN for the Japanese Poetry Club

A chapter in the book 2023 Gypsy's Clubs


by Gypsy Blue Rose

If You Would Like To Join the Japanese Poetry Club, please check my author notes



Playing with dolls as a child didn’t prepare me to be a teenage single mom.  My daughter, Angelica, was very demanding and full of energy.  I was up all night and tired all day. Bathing, feeding, dressing, and watching her kept me constantly busy but I loved her more than anybody else in the world so I didn't complain. It was all part of being a mom.


Angelica's blue eyes were beautiful like my dad's and mine. It was the only thing I loved about myself. Her fair skin and blond hair are not what  American people expected when they found out we were Hispanic.  But in Spain light color features are common.   My accent sounded European and although I have spent most of my life in California, I still have it.  I spoke English at home thinking that if I spoke Spanish it would confuse her but I was wrong.  Children have the capacity to learn several languages at a time; however, she learned some Spanish from my aunt when she babysat for me.



tender plum bud

   cuddled in nurturing boughs —

spring blossom






HAIBUN SUMMARY: is a Japanese poetic form that combines prose and haiku. The prose is usually descriptive and succinct. Try not to repeat words. For this Japanese Poetry Club event, I'm going to keep it simple, one to three paragraphs. See my links for more detailed haiku rules. Evoke the senses (touch, see, hear, taste, smell). Write in the present or past tense. It uses poetic devices and word imagery (mental picture). The prose section is followed by a haiku that serves to deepen the meaning of the prose. The most famous haibun writer was Matsuo Basho who wrote 'Oku no hosomichi' (Narrow Road to the Interior) in the 17th century. Resources: *** HAIBUN GUIDELINES *** HAIBUN EXAMPLES *** for wikipedia definition click here ==== HAIBUN DESCRIPTION

Thank you very much for reading and reviewing my poem,

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." - Picasso

the picture is my daughter, Angelica

Club entry for the "HAIBUN POEM" event in "JAPANESE POETRY CLUB".  Locate a writing club.
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