General Script posted July 20, 2023 Chapters: -1- 2... 

This work has reached the exceptional level
a scene with new prospects

A chapter in the book Scenes at a Third Party

Scene at a Third Party 1

by Bill Schott

I'm posting this again to get this re-started. The second posting will follow directly.
The scene opens on a crowd gathered outside an abandoned mall. Pons and Ned are together in the middle.
PonsI guess the third-party candidates are arriving here to debate, Ned.
NedThey gonna decide which one a them's gonna be predsident?
PonsI guess we'll decide which one has a chance to be selected to be a third-party candidate for President.
PonsWell, Ned, you know there are two main parties now.
NedYeh, there's the Pajamer Party and the Donner Party.
PonsNo, Ned. There is the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
NedYeh, I guess we's all too old fer pajamer parties.
PonsAren't those for girls, Ned?
NedI can't actual say, Pons. I got avited ta one once, when I was a tad, but no one else showed up at the cemetery.
PonsAh, right. Too bad.
NedI figured that Donner party was the one that nobody invited Rudolf the Reindeer to.
PonsIt was a group that got stranded in the snow and ended up eating people. 
NedWell then, that's a git-tagetter Rudolf was lucky ta not git avited to. Them deers is nutso.
A limosine pulls up and two women exit. They both walk past the crowd and over near Pons and Ned. 
First Woman:  Greetings, Citizens. I am Loralie DeSilva. You may call me Lor'De.
Second Woman: Salam Aleikum, my friends. My name is Zora Abebe.
The two women produce portible microphones and begin debating without further ado. 
Lor'deI would like to be elected as your next president to show you how well I can rule this land. I will be the impartial judge and jury for all matters foreign and domestic. There will be no need for a constantly deadlocked congress, filled with money-grubbing derelicts marking time until they can retire and sell their classified information to the highest bidders. There will be no need for a supreme court filled with thieves and morally corrupt people hiding behind robes for a lifetime appointment. I can do all of that on my own.
Zora: I would like to be elected as your first female black president to show you how well I can run this former slave-holder nation. I will appoint men and women to posts who will ensure reparations are paid, people not-of-color are given the short shrift they have used on minorities, and all women are freed of the bondage of being associated with beer-bellied rednecks, never-missed-a-meal primadonnas, and other elitist white infidels who have not seded authority to their superiors.   
PonsUh -- Ned. I think perhaps these women are a bit too extreme for consideration as presidential nominees.
NedWell, sure, Pons. At least they ain't lyin' about it.  Ain't tellin' the truth what's missin' nows'days?
PonsI never realized you were so political, Ned.
Ned: I ain't got polio, Pons, though I kin say my hammies a bin hurtin' lately.
Lor'de: Wait! Aren't you Ned Nuckledd?
Ned: Yes, Ma'am. 
Lor'de: You may call me Lor'de, Ned. Perhaps you could be my running mate.
Ned: Well, that there sounds okay ta me.
Zora: Wait! Aren't you Pons Maninoff?
Pons: Yes, Ma'am.
Zora: Is there any chance you have any African American blood in you?
Pons: I had transfusions of blood in the hospital a few years ago in Detroit, Michigan.
Zora:  Close enough. Perhaps you could be my running mate.
Pons: You know, I think not. I do have a clone who might fill the bill though.
Zora: You have a clone?
Pons: Oh sure; they're all the rage. His name is Oscar Kilo. We call him Skar.
Zora:  Close enough. Perhaps he could be my running mate.
To be continued...

No political motivations here. Just exploring the comedy value.
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