Spiritual Poetry posted June 25, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
Earthly father's restoration by Heavenly Father

My Father

by Graham Byrne

                          My Father

I hesitate a little to even share or write these words

But something deep inside me says they should be heard

My Father was a gentle man and kind to all he knew

But I found it hard to love him which may seem odd to you

I think once when I was small, I enraged my father’s head

By Locking my young brother up at home and in a shed

Then I snuck down to our River to a cave there out of bounds

Thinking I could get back home with no problems found

Unfortunately, my younger brother got out of the shed

Found my father at his work which subsequently led

My father to the cliff top, below wherein I was a cave

In hindsight now it could have been a truly watery grave

That night I got a strapping, it hurt more than a little

Possibly enough to make our relationship most brittle

For many years I struggled to appreciate my Dad

Then tmes were tough and things became very very sad

Debbie our young lovely daughter had only just been born

We learnt her heart was fragile, something certainly was wrong

She was hospitalised occasionally but then we had a shock

A doctor rang to tell us that, her life was ending on her clock

At the Hospital with two children, waiting, hoping No!

The doctor suggested, call someone, best the children go  

I rang my brother’s wife to see if she could quickly come

She said NO! but wait a moment, at my door, I hear someone

That someone was my father he was there by chance that day

He came into the Hospital; I simply asked him then to pray

His tears and mine were hard to stop, I thanked him for just coming

For all of us that day, tears just seemed to keep on running

I heard the Lord just say to me, make peace with your Dad now

He’s your father that I’ve given you make peace with him somehow

Somehow our friendship altered, and peace just entered in

It was as if my hands were washed of sin long bedded in

Somehow, we saw that Debbie was a jewel sent down from heaven

Just like God’s son dear Jesus Christ, who God gave us as leaven

We’ll never really understand why someone quite so young

Should live just for a little while, then leave, her work was done

Christ himself, God’s only Son, knew why God sent Him down

His real assignment here was to plough the fallowed ground

Defeating Satan’s grip on man by hanging all sin on that cross

Man’s sin was thus forgiven then, God the Father is the boss

Father's Day Contest contest entry

If for anyone, I can give a word
Let your hope be always in the Lord
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