General Fiction posted May 11, 2023

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Pastability flash fiction for the club challenge - notes

GF, Please

by June Sargent

The space ship was cruising high above the clouds over New Jersey. Their mission had been a success. It might even put them in line for a promotion!

The intergalactic scouts actually enjoyed this assignment. Up until now, they had been ordered to gather flora and fauna from the different planets they visited. This time they were to sample the various foods that the inhabitants of each planet consumed. And they were to bring back the most tasty dishes.

Basically vegetarians, these extraterrestrial scouts did not try any of the meat dishes. It seemed so savage that earthlings killed creatures for consumption. The various fruits and vegetables, however, were quite tasty. In the fruit category, strawberries were the favorite among the crew. As for vegetables, the eggplant was voted most interesting.

Earthlings often served it in a dish called Eggplant Parmigiana. Along with it, they also served pasta.
And the sample of spaghetti with tomato sauce was a big hit with the Governing Body. The scouts were ordered to bring back a ship load for the annual festival of foodies.

Unfortunately, after stealing 500 pounds of cooked pasta from restaurants and caterers, the scouts received an urgent message from headquarters. A good number of officials who had sampled some pasta had broken out in hives. And there were also some unpleasant gastrointestinal distress!

What were they to do with all this pasta? There was only one thing to do. Open the hatch and dump it. Then hose down the storage bin thoroughly.

How were they to know the elders were allergic to something the earthlings called gluten? Definitely no promotion this time around.


Challenge was to write a story based on an actual news article about 500 pounds of cooked pasta being discovered in the woods of New Jersey. GF means gluten-free on restaurant menus.

Club entry for the "Pastabilities!" event in "Flash Fiction/Nonfiction".  Locate a writing club.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by MoonWillow at

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