General Non-Fiction posted April 25, 2023

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Dr. Charles Stanley passed away April 18

Death of a Saint

by T B Botts

A few weeks ago I posted a saying from a book mark  I had gotten from In Touch Ministries, an evangelical ministry Dr. Charles Stanley had started back in the eighties I believe. I'm sorry to report that the sun has set on Dr. Stanley's life. He passed away on April 18, 2023 at his home in Atlanta, Georgia. He was 90 years old.

I was surprised  I never heard anything about his passing on any of the news networks. Perhaps I just missed it, but I don't think so. I think it's odd that a man who has impacted millions of people around the world wouldn't have gotten a mention on the news, but that's the world we live in now.

You know, I never met the man. We never sat down over a cup of coffee or went fishing together, or spoke on the phone, and yet when I watched a tribute for him on In Touch, I admit I shed a few tears. He had a way of reaching out to his audience and speaking to them about Jesus and the need to have him as our savior and it resonated. He spoke on a number of subjects, and I don't think my mind ever wandered when I watched him speak.

There was a quote by Dr. Stanley on his home page. It's something I'm sure he spoke in a message to his audience. It follows here.

Life goes by quickly- very quickly.
And many people today who are in heaven or hell intended to live a lot longer than they did. They didn't make any plans to die. They only had plans to live and enjoy themselves. So I want to ask you: What are you living for? What's your goal in life? Do you have any real purpose for living?
God says we ought to be living to worship and serve Him.
Because that my friend, is life at it's best.

Words of wisdom. I wish I could say that I've taken them to heart. As it is, I hope  some day I'll be able to have some great conversations with Charles. I hope that I can report that I finally got the message and followed the example that he set.

He had a favorite saying, one that his mother had said to him in the difficult times that he grew up in. He said it often and I believe it's what he lived by.

Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.
 Goodbye Charles, thanks for a life well lived.


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