General Poetry posted April 20, 2023 Chapters:  ...3 4 -6- 7 

This work has reached the exceptional level
for Judi

A chapter in the book Thinking of judiverse

Mermaids and Guinea Pigs

by mermaids

four guinea pigs scurry to the shore
a sea of mermaids marvel at the
squeaking fur balls
laughter erupts among
the potato-like creatures

"Hooman? Fish? Hooman-fish?"
the calm sea rolls to the shore
the little furry girls look
at each other and the water
full of women with tails

the mermaids wonder if
these small beings are real
the guinea pigs expect treats
but the spirits of the air,
those who have passed on
laugh, fly free, enjoy the scene

tiny foot prints in wet sand
connect with ocean dwellers


Sending love to Judi from the mermaids and guinea pigs.
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Artwork by avmurray at

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