Writing Fiction posted April 19, 2023

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How long before books are no longer written on paper?

Words from the Past

by HarryT

The year is 2073. Thunder roars. Lorie and I run to an old boarded-up building. I push the door, it opens, I grab Lorie and pull her inside. A musty smell curls around us. I use the flashlight on my iPhone 73 and shine it into the darkness. There are rows of shelves stacked with papery, smelly things.

Lorie said, “You know what this place is?”


“It’s what they used to call a library.”

75 Word Story writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story on any topic. But you must use only 75 words to tell your story. Exactly 75 words. Title not included in the count.

The future is almost here.
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