Biographical Non-Fiction posted February 23, 2023

This work has reached the exceptional level
A life changing realization

One step forward &two steps back

by Jesse James Doty

What began as a good time, turned into a flirtation with disaster.

After doing everything I knew I shouldn't, I was left with muscle strain in both knees and shoulders. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time, but I found a new setback with soreness that for the life of me, wouldn't go away.

So now I have a setback that will cost me another four to six weeks before I will hopefully resume my walking with the aid of a walker.
I am not giving up. I will 'fight the good fight' as a supportive friend suggested I do.

This is not my first rodeo by any means. I have gone up the ladder of success many times before and I will do it again. It just takes gumption and pride to know I am able to do what my body wants and achieve the best possible outcome.

Ambition and bravery have seen me through hard times before, and I will do it again, with the realization that these times are the best possible times.

So, one step forward in learning how to gain strength and endurance while resting and recuperating, and no more two steps back for me.



I want to thank my friends from Fanstory for their supportive gestures. Your support means the world to me!
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