Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted January 11, 2023

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opening the door way

Keys to the Past

by jake cosmos aller

Maria Lee was a researcher

For the Cosmos Institute


And one day she received

Keys in the mail

Keys to another dimension


She was told the keys

Would open a gateway

And she would be able

To meet Sam Adams

Her boyfriend


Who had disappeared

Into another world

And was lost


She went to Oregon

And used the key

To open the doorway

And went through

On the other end


Found Sam was now King

Of Narnia

And did not want to return

Maria came back alone

To the world


Story Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any type and any length that tells a story.

Sarah is our host for the MLMM Photo Challenge. This week she is using one of her pictures
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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